“Traditional games to foster youth civic engagement” JUVENTAS focuses on...
Erasmus+ Capacity Building
“Promoting Education for Entrepreneurs on Blockchain” PEEB aims to improve...
Capacity Building Youth “FORESTORE”
Forest Restoration through VET Capacity Building FORestore The project FORestore...
Capacity Building Youth “RADIOPEACE”
Peace-making through Sound RADIOPEACE RADIOPEACE uses music and dance to...
AGROECO intends to empower rural youth by providing them AGRO...
CB Youth DevMigra
Development of mediation skillset for youth workers for migrants DEVMIGRA...
Capacity Building Youth “Agrorithm”
“AgroRithm” aims to develop a concrete share of good practices...
Capacity Building Youth “YDCA”
Youth Development through Cre-Action “Youth Development through Cre-Action” (YDCA) is...
Capacity Building Youth “It Has to be Love”
It Has to be Love Capacity Building Project on Gender-Based...
Capacity Building Youth “SPEAK UP”
Public speaking as a tool to upskill youth workers Project...
Capacity Building Youth “SCRED”
Sport Community ReportED Project Code: 2020(EAC/A02/2019) EU Grant: 123.632,00 €...
Capacity Building Youth “Start-Up Lighthouse”
CB Start-Up “Lighthouse” The project “Start-up lighthouse” aim to create...
Capacity Building Youth “The Inspiration of You” MVI
The project aims to enhance the development of volunteering in...
Capacity Building Youth “CHSAC” MVI
Project TOPICs This project aimed to raise the capacities of...
Capacity Building Youth “Youth Too”
Start: 07-12-2019 End: 06-06-2021 Project Reference: 608820-EPP-1-2019-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBY-WB EU Grant : 129.745,06...
Capacity Building Youth “ASI” MVI
Project TOPICs “ASI” – “Art of Social Innovators” project is...
Capacity Building Youth “SLAM”
“Structured Learning for Awareness in Media” (SLAM) aims at enhancing...
Capacity Building Youth “WAYWARD”
Working to Approach Youth Workers as Agents of a Response...
Capacity Building Youth “ProMovEnt”
“ProMovEnt” (PME) empowers youth female participation in social entrepreneurship on...
Capacity Building Youth “Sustainable youth work on sustainability”
Project “Sustainable youth work on sustainability” was implemented by consortium...
Capacity Building Youth “CEED”
Circular Economy into Art through Eco-Design The project “Circular Economy...
Capacity Building Youth “Empowering Minorities: a project to improved practices for work with minorities”
The project ‘Empowering Minorities: a project to improved practices for...
Capacity Building Youth “YoungPreneurship”
“Youngpreneurship” is an Erasmus Plus Youth Capacity Building project lasting...
Capacity Building Youth “HEPOSI”
Health Practices for Own Self-Improvement (HEPOSI) The project is a...
Capacity Building Youth “Sust-Food”
Sust-Food The high number of young people around the...
Capacity Building Youth “Learning through Sports”
Learning through Sports “Learning through Sports” (LTS) is an 18-months...
Capacity Building Youth “Youth Business Better”
Youth, Business, Better “Youth, Business, Better” (YBB) is a project...
Capacity Building Youth “Vulnerable Youth and their Transition to Adulthood”
Vulnerable Youth and their Transition to Adulthood Youth is being...
Capacity Building Youth “GIM”
“Growing in Insight-ability of Mobility” (GIM) is a capacity building...
Capacity Building Youth “CUSPYDAL” MVI
Customized Support to Youth Development of Active Leadership (CUSPYDAL) CUSPYDAL...
Capacity Building Youth “Women Empowerment through sport”
Women Empowerment through Sport (WEtS) Project Facebook Page “Women empowerment...
Capacity Building Youth “Agro-Tourist Itinerary to Sustainable Change”
Agro-Tourism Itinerary to Sustainable Change (ATISC) Project Facebook Page “Agro-Tourism...
Capacity Building Youth “A Path to TranSportAction”
A Path to TransportAction Project Facebook Page MVNGO is...
Capacity Building Youth “Inclusion Through Sport”
Inclusion Through Sport Website Mine Vaganti NGO coordinates from April...
Capacity Building Youth “Art for Social Change” Vol 1&2
Art for Social Change Website MVNGO was a partner organization...
Capacity Building Youth “Youth Agro Empowerment Project”
Youth Agro Empowerment Project WEBSITE Project Facebook Page Youth can...
Capacity Building Youth “Educate a Woman and You Educate a Whole Nation”
Educate a Woman and you Educate a Whole Nation (EWEWN)...