The project explores the similarities, differences and potential synthesis among the different yet interrelated challenges faced by West Balkans countries and Europe within a transnational effort aimed at laying the grounds of a greater media literacy and critical thinking at the level of the youth and, by extension, of society as a means to provide an antidote against phenomena of hate speech and a building block of successful integration processes.
Duration: 15/11/2019 – 14/11/2021
Riferimento del progetto: 608486-EPP-1-2019-1-BA-EPPKA2-CBY-WB
Sovvenzione UE: 100.514,65 €
Programma: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Capacity Building for youth in neighbouring and enlargement countries
Project activities
– Kick-off Meeting in Sarajevo
– International piloting of the Training Format with youth workers and leaders from each partner organization in Sassari
– Youth Exchange in Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) on media literacy and migration/refugee involving young people aged 18-25 from each partner country.
– Mid-term Evaluation Meeting in Montenegro
– Seminar in Bosnia & Herzegovina with mixed groups of youth workers and young people (2 per category per organization) in whose context to brainstorm and co-devise the upcoming social campaigning.
– Social Campaign, online and offline (in all partner countries), wherein the youth will spread the values and instruments of media literacy acquired in the local communities and national societies by online and offline means.
– Final Meeting in Sassari
Project objectives
The project is supportive of the identified priorities as follows:
a) Identifying the landscape of shared challenges and of existing good practices of promotion of youth media literacy against the backdrop of migrant and refugee issues in partners countries and regions (Europe and the West Balkans) and extracting indications circa the gaps to be filled between existing needs and educational offer.
b) Producing a comprehensive model Training Format for developing capacities of youth operators (in Europe and the West Balkans) as vehicles of media literacy education for the youth through non-formal learning.
c) Training young people aged 18-25 as multipliers of project principles among the youth and concrete agents of awareness-raising and campaigning efforts at the level of local communities.
d) Carrying out a transnational Social Campaign advancing the principles of inclusive media coverage of migrants and refugees across Europe and West Balkans countries as well as providing a successful model for replication in other countries.
e) Developing a cross-border network of youth workers and young people committed in the fields of media and refugee issues in Europe and the West Balkan countries as a breeding ground of long-term contacts and cooperation on the topic.
f) Creating resources (Guidebook) in multiple languages (English plus each partner’s) allowing external operators and organizations to further replicate, improve and/or adapt project process/approach.
g) Laying the grounds for further project visibility, outreach and educational multiplication by means of developing a Web Platform with information, results and digitalized educational materials.
h) Devising further follow-up ideas to ensure sustainable local replication of the project and further expanding the cooperation through more international projects on the topic and/or closely connected ones.
IO 1: Guidebook
Research on the main challenges and best practices in media literacy in the field of migration/refugee issues in Europe and the West Balkans.
Creation of Guidebook (in all partner countries) in multiple languages for youth organizations external to the Consortium.
IO 2: Web Platform
Establishment of a project Website with project information and digital learning resources in multiple languages for young people.
For other information please visit the following pages: