Customized Support to Youth Development of Active Leadership (CUSPYDAL)
CUSPYDAL is a cooperation between Europe (Slovakia, Italy, Bulgaria) and Latin America (Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Costa Rica) fostering empowerment and social inclusion of disadvantaged categories of young people in the two regions.
Our spin-off organisation MVI is a partner organization in the Consortium in representazion of Italy.
Ultimate target: disadvantaged youths (NEETs, youngsters from poor rural areas) in Europe and Central America.
Direct target: youth operators from the two regions employed in partner organizations, disadvantaged youngsters from partner countries.
Exclusion of young people from education is substantial in the Latin American region, according to World Bank, which in a specific Report (2016) stressed the challenge of educational exclusion in Central America, identifying its connection with far-reaching challenges as low quality of education, economic inequality, low quality of educational opportunities and challenges pertaining to specific sub-groups in society. The Report also confirmed the correlation between educational dropouts and high youth unemployment.
Eurostat quantify in over 122 million people (24% of EU 28 population) the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion in 2014. High rates of youth unemployment are also a critical challenge, with 18,7% of young people 15-24 excluded from the labour market. Exclusion from education amounted to 10,7% of the EU 18-24 population in 2016.
– Research on NGO best practices in Europe and LatinAmerica related to the development of leadership for active engagement and social inclusion of disadvantaged youths, processed into a Format TC.
– Format TC fostering youth operators’ competences in the upskilling and development of the leadership potential of disadvantaged youngsters.
– YE involving disadvantaged youths to transmit soft and transversal skills for personal fulfilment (flexibility, cooperation, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, goal-oriented thinking) and foster leadership potential for an increased involvement in their own communities. Participants will produce an activity plan for a socially-oriented initiative focused on tackling issue rooted in their own communities.
-Stakeholder Conferences in partner countries introducing national SE stakeholders to project results as well as to the activity plans developed by YE participants. The best ideas will be supported through counselling, promotion and activation of crowd-funding mechanisms. Conferences will be replicated as a regular framework of coordination between stakeholders and potential youth leaders.
– Web Platform storing e-learning modules for youth and youth operators.