“Youngpreneurship” is an Erasmus Plus Youth Capacity Building project lasting 16 months. Partners are 6 NGOs of which 3 from Europe (Italy, Germany and Bulgaria) and 3 from the MENA region (Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan).
The aim is to develop capacities for youth operators to employ non formal education (NFE) based on Arts to improve the entrepreneurial culture and mindset of the youth (mostly disadvantaged categories of young people) thereby achieving a long-lasting impact on the challenging issue of youth unemployment.
The 2 partner regions are dramatically affected by youth unemployment, a worldwide issue which, according to ILO findings is all the most critical among the youth, with 40% of the global unemployment affecting young people
Youth unemployment has an impact on the societal fabric socially, culturally and economically, negatively influencing youth mindset and feelings regardless of educational achievements and levels setting the grounds for social discontent and unrest. Qualified and non qualified youth alike youth struggle to find a job due to the dire straits of the labour market which highlights the potential of self-employability and of creativity as a driver of employment and business creation.
“Youngpreneurship” deploys a process of capacities creation through sharing of knowledge among NGOs from different regions, exploring the relationship between Arts, non formal education and business with the ultimate purposes of empowering partners ands external organizations through the release of innovative methods.
“Youngpreneurship” activities, strictly tailored to the achievement of the expected outcomes, will be:
– First Kick-off meeting with partners’ representatives to establish the frame of the cooperation.
– Training Course “Creative Entrepreneurial” involving youth operators from partner countries and focused on the use of Art as an instrument of entrepreneurial development of the youth through NFE.
– Youth Exchange “Art for Business Sake” involving young people from partner countries and aimed at testing project methodologies.
– Job Shadowing involving 2 youth operators from Bulgaria and Italy in a set of campaigning actions promoting awareness about Art and entrepreneurship.
– Final Meeting involving partners’ representatives.
Project products:
– Manual with good practices on non formal education and Art for entrepreneurial development, produced in project TC.
– Art gallery on Art and entrepreneurship developed in project YE.
Funding Year: 2019
Project Reference: 608625-EPP-1-2019-1-TN-EPPKA2-CBY-SMED
EU Grant: 56.086,80
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Capacity Building for youth in neighbouring and enlargement countries
Participating Countries: TN,DE,EG,IT,JO,BG
More info about the project: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/608625-EPP-1-2019-1-TN-EPPKA2-CBY-SMED
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Youngpreneurship-Erasmus-Project-104487604463400/