Sustainability skills entrepreneurial mind set to foster migrant women employability and upskilling possibilities
STEP UP project aims at offering migrant women the opportunity to increase gradually a wide range of skills (employability skills, transversal competences, communication skills, team working, confidence, ability for innovation, sustainability thinking), while raising their awareness on the importance of lifelong learning possibilities. The project offer a new way to build up migrant women’ motivation for participating in upskilling possibilities, using entrepreneurial mind set and sustainability skills as an innovative way for skills identification and screening.
Start: 31-05-2022 – End: 31-05-2024
Project Reference: 2021-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000035340
EU Grant: 195.105 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Adult mobility
– iFALL – Sweden
– MVI – Italy
– EKO – Greece
– KulturLife gGmbH – Germany
- ADULT / Supply of high quality learning opportunities for adults
- Inclusion and diversity
DIRECT Target Group
- Educators, with experience in youth works, employability competences development, and woman empowerment
- Migrant women, facing social and economic exclusion, not in education/employment for a long time (at least 6 months) as well as from low or no income households and/or disadvantaged urban/rural areas.
INDIRECT Target Group
- woman associations,
- NGO,
- adult education institutions,
- private/public employment services,
- temporary-workers agencies,
- public authorities,
- other association and charities/relief shelters working with disadvantages woman and adults,
- institutional channels
- Increase adult educators’ readiness to work with migrant women and in understanding their barriers and specific needs
- Define new ways to support migrant women in showcasing their skills and aim at better qualification or job position
- Offer a solid quality learning possibility to foster women’s competences, making them more competitive on the actual labour market
- Offer a new way to assess skills using EU level and widely recognised frameworks to offer skills in a way that is easy to assess and observe
- Increase partners’ ability to tackle some of the barriers that still prevent migrant women to access upskilling / educational possibilities
- Enlarge partners lifelong learning offer by preparing the STEP UP program and skills assessment
- Increase educators capacity to blend both formal and non-formal education elements to offer a more flexible and tailored approach to migrant women specifically,
Women participating in the STEP UP development program will receive tailored support based on their specific needs, ensuring continued support by the trained staff with the right set of competences.
- 3 TPM meetings
- O1:STEP UP ALL IN ONE LEARNING PROGRAM and assessment tools, to increase migrant women’s employability skills needed by the current labour market, and help them ‘showcase their skills and facilitate their recognition’ using also the EU Skills profile tool.
- O2: HANDBOOK FOR EDUCATORS AND FACILITATORS, offering educators and professionals working with migrant woman, most common barriers that migrant women still face in the actual labour market, and offers suggestions and tips to tackle them, during the learning sessions.
- 5 Multiplier Events
Transnational Project Meeting 1
19 September 2022 LUND, SWEDEN
Transnational Project Meeting 2
20 January 2023 TURIN,ITALY
Transnational Project Meeting 3
6 October 2023 ANKARA,TURKEY
Local Activites
Multiplier Event