Name of the project: HateBusters
Project Code: 2019-3-AT02-KA205-002565
EU Grant: 197820 €
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for youth
Participating Countries: KAINOTOMIA & SIA EE (EL), DANMAR COMPUTERS SP ZOO (DK), Crossing Borders (PL), MINE VAGANTI NGO (IT)
Project dates: 31.05.2020 – 30.05.2022
Dealing with Hate Speech has different levels of actions, legal approach to the problem, monitoring activities, and finally the education, prevention, and capacity building for various social actors, including, youth workers, teachers, and young people themselves. Youth workers can heavily contribute to the prevention level and increase their capacities in dealing with hate speech online and offline themselves as well as to empower young people to become active in campaigning against online hate speech, racism and cyberbullying as well as offline.
Hate Busters: Youth against Hate is a 24-month project that includes 5 partners: an NGO from Austria, a Lifelong Learning Center from Greece, an international NGO from Italy, an NGO from Denmark and an SME from Poland and aims to equip youth workers and young people with skills on recognizing, dealing with hate speech online and offline and empower them to work further for preventing the causes that lead to this dangerous phenomenon, by connecting more the offline – “real-life” behavior with the online behavior and the real-life impact that online hate speech and cyberbullying have on individuals.
Project target groups:
-youth workers, trainers, educators, teachers, and NGO members
-young people, with special focus on young people at risk of marginalization and of migrant background
C1: HateBusters Training
IO1: HateBusters Guide: how to build a bottom-up campaign against Hate
IO2: HateBusters Awareness Toolkit
IO3: HateBusters App
To produce these results, we intend to use non-formal and human rights education methodology, mindfulness and self-responsibility theory.
Hatebusters’ objectives are to:
-develop and disseminate tools and mechanisms (a guide, a toolkit, and an app) for youth workers and young people for recognizing, identifying and classifying hate speech online and offline and its various forms and components such as discrimination, segregation, racism, bullying, cyberbullying, violence and its impact on young people
-equip youth workers and young people with the know-how, tools, and methods for building a bottom-up campaign against the perceiving problem of hate speech
-raise awareness of the importance of human rights online activism and youth mobilization and support young people’s sense of initiative in the social field and the combat against hate speech
-open up youth work to cross-sectoral and transnational cooperation across the field of youth and enhancing youth workers’ capacities in preventing racism and intolerance among youth.
More info about the project:
The first newsletter of Hatebusters is now online!
Read in English
Read in Italian
You can now download the first Intellectual Output “HateBusters Guide: how to build a bottom-up campaign against Hate” and have a clearer view of the goals set in this output.