KA1 Youth TC Social Entrepreneurship Now!
“Social Entrepreneurship Now!” was a Training Course that gathered 25 participants (youth workers, social workers, youth leaders) from 11 countries (Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Austria, Poland, Malta, Uk, Romania, Croatia, Portugal and The Netherlands).
The Training Course aimed at exploring the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems using entrepreneurial skills and youth voice.
The objectives of the TC were:
– To empower young people raising their self esteem and stimulating their creativity and sense of (social) entrepreneurship.
– To raise awareness in the participants on key competences through NFE and develop different methods for using them in practice within social projects, developing and matching them with the requirements of Erasmus + with their organisations.
– To develop the cooperation among different organisations coming from 11 countries.
– To stimulate young people to get involved into NGOs or social entrepreneurships, youth activities, into local authorities, into international opportunities that arise, be active citizens and contribute to the process of change.
The activities were coordinated through non formal education methods (group works, video productions, role play games, brainstorming, etc) and were also including participation on sport events, meetings with the students of university, exchanges with local administrators and members of local associations. Some activities took place outdoor, to promote Erasmus+ and non-formal education and raise awareness on urban problems among the local community. During the last days of the project, participants had the chance to create working groups, to present ideas for future projects on urban issues, sustainability, promotion of young people participation in their local community.