The decision to participate in the KA1-Mobility VET Learners fits into the frame of the Plan that the European Dimension Institute “Pitagora” of Sassari (scientific curriculum) Liceo Scientifico “E. Fermi” of Nuoro, Liceo Artistico “F. De Andrè”, they share in terms of objectives and content, as evidenced by their three-year plans of studies.
“DIGITAL SKILL IN CULTURAL HERITAGES” is a training and career guidance with a European dimension that allows students a period of 6 weeks of training in Ireland, France and Malta to qualified companies and aimed at 60 students in initial formation. The project was designed with the specific approach that promotes the full integration of the digital dimension, training scientific and technical protection and promotion of cultural heritage and is aimed at making students acquire skills they can use in the job market. It stems from the fact that the dissemination and promotion of cultural heritages through multimedia and technological innovation, generate employment opportunities, particularly for young people.
The expected outcome of the project is to provide students with the tools and skills to strengthen the cultural system as a driver for tourism development of Sardinia. Consistent with the analysis the project has, therefore, the following specific objectives:
-to strengthen the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship of the students;
– to enhance the professional skills level requested by the labour market;
-increase the foreign language skills, digital skills and the intercultural dimension;
-certificare the skills acquired during the period of school-work abroad with recognized tools and expendable at European level (certification ECVET, EUROPASS MOBILITY document, certificate of linguistic preparation);
– improve the underlying prospects for future employment in the cultural heritage; -participate actively in society and European citizenship;
-to promote partnerships between education and the world of work at local and European level activities designed to achieve the objectives are described in point H of this form. Sardinia is strictly depending on the sector, which overall contributes to 4% of GDP dell’UE.
Participants will be able to capitalize on the experience by integrating document certification of skills acquired in their portfolio, to make it more expendable for access to post-diploma courses or further certificates, or the world of work.
They will benefit also of social and personal learnings acquired or reinforced during mobility: the exercise of their autonomy, the ability to team working and taking responsibility, intercultural, all useful tools for training not only the worker tomorrow, but first of all that the city will soon have to deal with the complexity of the world.
The Learning Outocomes, understood as the “description of what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process. Results are defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence “(Recommendation EQF – 2008), were defined within the individual units of learning as well as will be indicated in the Learning Agreement and partitioned on the basis of individual school careers as follows:
-Units Learning WEB MARKETING SPECIALIST (Liceo Scientifico “Pitagora” Sassari)
-Units Learning GRAPHIC DESIGNER (Liceo Artistico “F. De André” Tempio) -Units Learning SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER (Liceo Scientifico “E. Fermi” – Nuoro)