TITLE: Joint Methodologies to Empower Humanities Education
KA104 – Adult education staff mobility
As EVENTURES KOIN has already reached a high level expertise in social entrepreneurship in the frame of the business sector, board members after an internal debriefing decided it was time to bring the enterprise to another level. Due to the previous experiences matured in the cooperation with IASIS and the predisposition of the members to work with the Adult target, board members agreed to develop a pure social/educational branch focused on disadvantaged young Adults. Supported in the analysis of the wide target of disadvantaged Adults by the veteran IASIS, EVENTURES KOIN board members decided in full agreement to focus young Adult affected by Dyslexia who were forced in early school leave in order to fester a reintegration process in the educational system. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that can cause many difficulties, including problems with reading and writing. People with dyslexia have trouble matching the letters they read to the sounds those letters make. Dyslexia is typically diagnosed in childhood; so, many dyslexia guides focus on helping children manage symptoms of this condition. But dyslexia often continues into adulthood. Some children with dyslexia are not diagnosed until they reach adulthood, while some diagnosed adults find that their symptoms change as they age.
JMEHE aims at developing competences and organizational capacities of educators with the specific target audience of young adult learners facing dislexia
Joint Methodologies to Empower Humanities Education (JMEHE) objectives are as follows: 1- Developing staff (Educators) competences and organizational capacities in the use of Non Formal Education as an instrument of enhancing the involvement in education and effectiveness of learning with the specific target audience of young Adult learners facing dislexia, who would like to go through a reintegration process in the educational system. 2- Developing staff (Educators) competences and organizational capacities in using Theatre in Education as a tool for enhancing the involvement in education and effectiveness of learning with the specific target audience of young Adult learners facing dislexia, who would like to go through a reintegration process in the educational system. 3- Setting up long-term mechanisms of partnership and regular exchange of information/good practices with high-end European organizations working in the field of Erasmus Plus Adult, thereby enhancing the scope and quality of the organization’s activities in the field.
Mobilities envisaged in the project: 1) Training Course at Mine Vaganti NGO in Sassari (Italy). The Training Course involving 5 Trainers/Educators, will be delivered through Non Formal Education methodologies and focus on developing participants’ knowledge, skills and competences in using Non Formal Education as a tool for fostering the acquisition of soft skills and transversal skills by young Adults afected by dislexia. 2) Training Course at Asociatia Copii in Sanul Familiei in Bacau (Romania) The Training Course involving 5 Trainers/Educators, will be delivered through a combination of Non Formal Education, Theatre In Education and face-to-face learning. The core topic addressed will be the use of the Theatre in Education method as an instrument of support to learning, reflection and communication of knowledge. 3) Job Shadowing at Asociatia Copii in Sanul Familiei in Bacau (Romania). The Job Shadowing will involve 2 leading staff members of the applicant organization in a process of work-based learning, exchange of knowledge and partnership building in the premises of the partner Asociatia Copii in Sanul Familiei. The tangible result of the Job Shadowing will be the completion of project Manual (third section).
EVENTURES ΚΟΙΝ aims to employ acquired knowledge and resulting operational capacities to determine an huge impact in its areas of involvement, favouring the establishment of multiplier dynamics. A considerable and sustainable impact will be determined on local communities, in particular the young Adults affected by dislexia through the improvement in number, quality and appeal of EVENTURES ΚΟΙΝ’s activities targeted at serving the human development and socioeducational inclusion of these categories of adults through education. Furthermore EVENTURES ΚΟΙΝ will implement local meetings with educators from other schools/associations to present the Manual “NFE & TIE join forces to break learning barriers” and its contents in order to create a butterfly effect for these methodologies to be used and introduced in the educational sytems/offer as an envisaged long-term effect.