Volunteering in Kirov MVNGO achieved financial support for the EVS...
Youth in Action Projects
Youth in Action 3.1 “Rural Change Lead the Path”
Rural Change Lead the Path “Rural change –...
Youth in Action 1.2 “Let’s break the Bias”
Let’s Break the Bias “Let’s break the Bias” was a...
Youth in Action 4.3 “Inclusive Sport for All”
Inclusive Sport for all “Inclusive Sport for all” was a...
Youth in Action 1.1 “Two Island One Move”
Two Islands, One Move “Two Islands, One Move” (TIOM) was...
Youth in Action 1.1 “Sounds Good!”
Sounds Good! This “Youth in Action” MVNGO’s Youth Exchange (YE)...
Youth in Action 1.2 “Local Action Decisamente Abili!”
Decisamente Abili! MVNGO organized the long term Youth Initiative “Decisamente...
Youth in Action 1.1 “ExSport ME Import US!”
ExSport ME, Import US! This Exchange dealt with the importance...
Youth in Action 1.1 “CounTreeSide”
CounTreeSide MVNGO organised a Cultural Exchange granted by the “Youth...