Decisamente Abili!
MVNGO organized the long term Youth Initiative “Decisamente Abili!”, granted by Youth in Action Programme, in 2012.
The goal of “Decisamente Abili” was to include disabled people in a Region of Sardinia called Gallura and to sensitize the community about this topic.
Theatre and Sport were used as tool for social inclusion.
The main topic of this project was to use those instruments as a tool for improving active citizenship activities, cultural exchange and social inclusion of disabled young people.
The aim was to promote participation of young people in these activities which enable minorities to integrate socially – in this case, disabled people – and to create / empower personal, social and communicative skills, necessary to help a process of integration and inclusion.
Theatre: disabled participants had experience in theatre and led the Othersin acquiring some of the so-called “artistic skills”. The YI also wanted to offer concrete moments of growth for the community offering new forms of artistic expression that will be promoted when there was the “mise en scene”.
Sport: In addition to improving the health of European citizens, Sport has an educational dimension and plays a social, cultural and recreational role. The core of this part of the project was the invention of a new game “au pair”: the participants decided together the rules of the game to play at the end of the YI.
The final objective of the YI was to form competences on how to use a new methodology of education and to create a network of people interested in using these new skills and in becoming facilitators of social inclusion among disabled people.