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KA2 School Inn GIFs

KA2 School Inn GIFs



Green Management In Schools For Sustainability 


 The project GIFs  raised schools’ staff and teachers’ awareness and provide them with knowledge and competences regarding how to put in place green building practices and what are the methodologies that can be used to involve the students into the process of implementation of such practices. Schools’ staff and teachers acquired some knowledge as well as some methodologies and practices to start a process to turn their school into a green building and become true agents of change.  

Start: 01.9.2022  End: 31.08.2024 

Project Reference: KA220-SCH 

EU Grant: 120.000 EUR 

Programme: ERASMUS+ 

Key Actions: Cooperation partnerships in school education 

Action Type:  KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education 


  • COLEGIULNATIONAL SPIRUHARET (Coordinator) – Rumania 
  • Pakruojis “Zemyna”progymnasium – Lithuania 
  • MINE VAGANTI NGO – Italy  
  • Nachalno uchilishteTsani Ginchev – Bulgaria  
  • Özel Filiz AnadoluLisesi – Turkey 



The project presented teachers, staff, and youth workers with new approaches to learning and learning methods, digital content, technologies and applications, supportive pedagogy. and didactic approaches. 



The target groups of the project are: 

1.Schools, staff, teachers, youth workers. 

2.Local school pupils, Educational Institutions/bodies, NGO, Youth Centers. 




The project’s general objective was to make to support teachers, staff members..etc to implement methodologies in schools about sustainability: 

  • Provided teachers and schools’ staff members with knowledge regarding green building practices and methodologies on how to implement them in their schools. 
  • Provided teachers and schools’ staff members with methodologies on how to raise students awareness on green building practices and involve them in the process of implementing them at schools. 
  • Promoted European schools’ cooperation on green building practices. Achievement helped schools and their students to fight against climate change through concrete solutions to be implemented, improve schools’ teachers and staff members competences in green building practices and support them in green education towards their students 


Non-formal education practices used for the program design, testing and implementation as experience has proven that it was a great tool to contribute to social promotion and community strengthen due to its cooperative nature (group dynamics are used for the learning process,instead of competitive exercises). 




The transnational Project meetings are the following: 

Kick-off Meeting (M1)  


Venue: Tecuci, Romania 

Participant: 12, 1 Project Manger and 1 Project Assistant per partner organization. 



Mid-Term Transnational Partners Meeting (M12) 


Venue: Sassari, Italy 

Participans: 12, 1 Project Manager and 1 Project Assistant per organization. 


Final Evaluation Meeting (M24) 

Hosting:  Özel Filiz AnadoluLisesi 

Venue: Filiz High School, Turkey 

Participants: 12, 1 Project Manager and 1 Project Assistant per partners organization 


The activities of the project are lead by each partner, as following: 


1-“GUIFs GUIDE”-  

 The aims of this activity Increased participating organisations’ knowledge regarding green building practices through a research phase, create an educational material to raise awareness and increase the knowledge of teachers and schools’ staff member regarding green building practices. Provided teachers and schools’ staff members with knowledge regarding green building practices and methodologies on how to implement them in their schools and promote schools’ cooperation on green building practices. 


2-“GUIFs TOOLKIT”– Greece 

This part developed for Co-creation sessions, Joint Staff Training Event: Teachers, schools staff members and trainers participated to a JSTE where the participants learned about the tools and methodologies (mobility will last 7 days) and the local activities. 


3-GUIFs European School Green Council – Germany 

Produce a Green Building Management Strategic Plan, Summit of the ESGC where the members  produced their first Report regarding the green building practices they implemented and the activities and the Social Campaign. 

 Guide of Good Practices