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KA1 Youth “Space”

KA1 Youth PBA Space

“SPACE” was a Partnership Building Activity involving 16 participants from Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Romania, Sweden and Denmark.

The PBA was held in Sassari between October 1-7 2014, involving Youth workers, social workers and local administrators interested in the topics of urban sustainability and actively committed  to promoting social inclusion of the youth in marginalized areas.

The PBA was inspired by sociological research, whose findings show that in Sassari, the main city of North Sardinia, the old City Center has lost its dimension of main center of gathering and socialization for the denizens, in particular the younger ones.

This phenomenon is linked with the ever more visible diffusion of other urban challenges, as urban fragmentation, social marginalization, juvenile deviance, lack of spaces and avenues for pedestrians and bikers etc. etc.

The meeting was aimed at carrying out a joint reflection in order to create concrete projects to contribute to the resolution of the challenges displayed by Sassari, which might be transferred to other urban contexts.

The project was an occasion for exchanging ideas and good practices as well as comparing different realities, needs and solutions to urban marginalization problems, with a particular focus on those of most concern to the Youth.

The project purported itself to achieve the following objectives:

– develop a sensitivity towards urban issues by encouraging the development of initiatives aimed at promoting active citizenship;
– create a thematic network to promote cooperation through the exchange of good practices, youth mobility through exchange projects, social inclusion through local initiatives and events;
– explore the possible applications of future project ideas with the Erasmus + program, taking into consideration different actions and making contributions in the form of future projects, especially in the field of non-formal education and intercultural dialogue.