You are currently viewing KA1 Youth “Integration through Visual Arts for Female Migrants”

KA1 Youth “Integration through Visual Arts for Female Migrants”

Project Description

The project “Integration through Visual Arts for Female Migrants” is a multi-activity that aims to enhance the social inclusion of female migrants of the first and second generation, through the methodology of non-formal education combined with visual arts storytelling. The project’s main approach to reach the considered aim is by applying visual storytelling as a mean for powerful and effective communication. Studies have shown that visual arts storytelling (Comics, Storyboards, Photography, Film-making, etc.) as an expressive tool has the potential of limitless forms of communication. It has the capacity to express ideas, feelings or thoughts that otherwise would be extremely difficult to reveal. The use of visual arts storytelling channelled as a therapeutic tool can be a cathartic and meaningful avenue of expression.

Target Groups

Youngsters in local communities where partner organizations operate will benefit from the present project by being able to rely on more competent and active youth operators able to engage them in educational experiences.

Approach / Methodology

NFE (Non-Formal Education) through visual arts storytelling

Project Activities

  • Youth Exchange
  • Training Course

    Project objectives

    1. To promote social inclusion at a transnational level through the use of visual storytelling and arts;
    2. Promoting the culture of tolerance and elaborating a reassessment on the role of migrant women in Europe;
    3. Enhance and broaden the communication skill set of youngsters.