You are currently viewing KA2 Youth INN. “Thearthee”

KA2 Youth INN. “Thearthee”

“TheArThee” (TAT) explored the inclusive potential of theatre and performing arts as a methodology to create opportunity, learn new skills, enhance communication and dispel prejudice against young people facing social exclusion. This was achieved by sharing of best practise and skills exchange from cross sector organisations working in the field of youth empowerment and alternative learning. The project explored how theatre can be used as a tool to bring elements of society together to empower young people regardless of class, race, gender and perceived disabilities and abilities. The project complemented the focus on youth exclusion with additional attention to physical and cognitive impairment.  

Start: 01.06.2019– End: 31.06.2022 

Project Reference: 2019-1-UK01-KA205-061358 

EU Grant: 186.333,00 € 

Programme: Erasmus+ 

Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices 

Action Type: KA205 – Strategic Partnerships for youth 

Project Partners: 

Coordinator organisation: 

Chicken Shed Theatre Trust Ltd (UK) 

Partner organizations: 

MV International (IT) 

Champions Factory (BG)  

Euro-Net  (IT)  

Intercultural Youth Dialogue Association IYDA e.V. (D)  

Mobilizing Expertise Ab (SE)  

County Limerick Youth Theatre (IT) 

Project TOPICs: 

Access for Disadvantaged  

Creativity and Culture  

Disabilities-special needs  


Target group TAT was addressed to an audience of direct targets and indirect targets;  

Disadvantaged young people aged 18-25 coming from marginalized urban and rural communities;  

Educators/trainers in the youth field providing or interested in developing their understanding of social inclusion;  

Entities with outreach to the targeted youth categories (NGOs, cultural businesses and associations, Arts centres/groups, Organizations/public agencies providing services for excluded young people)  


Reduce social exclusion of disadvantaged youth by creating and piloting a format for educational offer targeted at youth operators and organizations for the development of their capacities in employing devised theatre, co-creation and peer-interaction;  

Contribute to the guidance and methodological support to operators in the implementation of cocreation programmes in devised theatre targeted at excluded youths by published materials;  

Promote the innovative educational format of devised theatre, co-creation and peer-interaction  


[NFE methods, initiatives and actions…etc.] 


IO 1: YOU-th Devise Theather Format   

IO 2: Theater Co-Creation Youth Guidebook 

Kick-Off Meeting

Online Meeting

Joint Staff Training Event in Varna, Bulgaria on 18-24/07/2021

Transnational Project Meeting in Sassari,Italy

Final Meeting

Multiplier Events