The project addresses social inclusion, employability and entrepreneurial engagement of disadvantaged youngsters coming from rural and geographically disadvantaged regions facing isolation and marginalization and it aims to exploit the potential of the social entrepreneurship models for opening new opportunities for them.
Start: 01-03-2020 End: 31-05-2022
Project Reference: 2019-3-PT02-KA205-006263
EU Grant: 61878€
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Partners:
- FAPFEIRA-Federação das Associações de Pais eEncarregados de Educação do Concelho de Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal)
- Asociatia Parintilor cu Initiativa Bolbosi (Romania)
- MV International (Italy)
- Meraki (Croatia)
Project TOPICs:
- Youth employability
- Social inclusion
- Social enterpreneurship
- people experienced in working with disadvantaged youth communities
- young people from rural and geographically disadvantaged areas
- To develop knowledge, skills and competencies of 16 youth operators from the partner countries to develop Social Innovation Activities aimed at empowering disadvantaged young people from rural and geographically disadvantaged areas.
- To deliver a training module covering 1 international learning and 4 local experiential programs on social entrepreneurship targeted to 28 disadvantaged young people livingin rural and geographically disadvantaged areas from the partner countries with a view to foster their social inclusion, employability and entrepreneurial engagement.
The involvement of young people with different international environmental contexts; with differentiated answers would bring a development of their knowledge, personal skills and an upgrade to the broader project growth of local / social inclusion where the participants would be the agents of change, change of rurality, interiority and marginality for the inclusion and creation / implementation of projects where they will be internationally trained actors, focused on inclusion, employment and entrepreneurship.
Transnational Project Meetings
- Kick off meeting (Portugal)
- Intermediate evaluation meeting (Italy)
- Final evaluation meeting (Romania)
Learning Teaching Training Activities
- A short-term joint staff training event will involve 16 youth workers (4 per partner organization) for 5 days in order to develop their skills and competencies and develop Social Innovation Activities aimed at empowering young people from rural and disadvantaged geographical areas
- A blended learning mobility of young people aimed to develop knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of social entrepreneurship among 28 disadvantaged young people of the target group.
- A Training Course with the aim of developing skills and competencies of 16 youth operators from the partner countries. The TC will further Social Innovation Activities with the scope of empowering young people who comes from rural or geographically disadvantaged areas.
- A training module covering learning and experiential programmes addressed to the target group and consisting of: – a blended learning mobility and – a two months Experiential program to develop knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of social entrepreneurship.