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KA2 Adults INN. “Social Entrepreneurship Academy”

Social Entrepreneurship Academy

According to the data from our need-assessment analysis of the national context and partner countries, there is limited knowledge among disadvantaged groups regarding the use of social entrepreneurship to pursue self-sustainability. Thus, the following needs are addressed within the project. The project aims at raising their awareness of the increased number of social entrepreneurs initiated and managed by adult migrants to carry social initiatives, solutions and work within the migrant and the European community. The methodology of the project is based on a co-creation with those who are disadvantaged in order to motivate them through creating scenarios for the Social Entrepreneurship Academy (SEA). In order to achieve the results of the project, these objectives are linked to the following Horizontal priorities The objectives To develop the basic and specific adult educators’ competencies working with disadvantaged learners with a focus on innovative ways of outreach and delivery of learning activities. To provide necessary knowledge and digital skills to adult learners and from disadvantaged background with fewer opportunities for accessing adult learning services.

 * Inclusion and diversity: The project addresses the pressing need for including “language disable adult migrants” whose ability to learn the host country’s language is a barrier that disables them to participate in learning programs offered to them. The language barrier excludes them and reduces their potential in being an active and productive part of the community.

Therefore, the project aims to address this weakness in an innovative way to pick those adults where they are strong at,and to include them by preparing understandable teaching material. Joining SEA provides learners a status; mixing their language with visuals content infused with host country words to aid understanding and accessing administrative, legal, structures of social businesses and guidelines to create their own businesses; it would enable them to exchange knowledge in a European network of other learners, which enhancing a sense of European identity for those disadvantaged backgrounds, especially migrants * Digital Transformation The adult migrant target group lack digital educational/skills making this a crucial barrier in hampering their communicational, organisational and productive output, which creates positive results easing their integration in society. There is an increased need to harness the potential of digital technologies for adult educators-practitioners; learners from disadvantaged backgrounds by teaching, training and equipping them with the basic tools to navigate within the new digital world. The project focuses on fostering both basic and advanced digital skills of adult educators-practitioners; learners from disadvantaged backgrounds by empowering economically and digitally.


Start:  01-11-2021  End:  01-05-2023

Project Reference:

EU Grant : 60.000EUR

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Action Type: Adult Education


Project Partners:

Coordinating Organization:

Helpu e.V. – [Germany]


Partner organizations:

  1. MINE VAGANTI NGO – [Italy]
  2. DIESIS COOP – [Belgium]


Project TOPICs:




Target groups are adult educators-practitioners; learners from disadvantaged backgrounds especially, migrants (senior citizens, people living in remote areas, in long-term unemployment, women of social exclusion, low-skilled migrants, etc.) Each partner organization will adapt it to fit national needs and translate it into the national language in order to be piloted with the participation of 6-8 adult educators-practitioners; learners from disadvantaged backgrounds, especially migrants in each country. The participants are adults aged 25-55 years old. The consortium have access to those participants through our network as we are working personally with these participant groups in other different projects that we are working upon.



  • Improved opportunities on the European labor market for adults with disadvantaged backgrounds, especially migrants and better integration of them in community and labor market.
  • Financial Empowerment of adults with disadvantaged backgrounds, especially migrants to become self-reliant and to create social initiatives that ultimately benefit society as a whole.
  • To equip adult educators with the tools that would enable them to upskill their social entrepreneurship knowledge and transmit this to adult migrants.
  • Increase labour market relevance of learning provision and qualifications and reinforce links among the world of social entrepreneurship. -Improve the supply of high-quality learning opportunities in the field of social entrepreneurship tailored to the needs of both educators with no prior relevant knowledge in the field.


  • Workshops/ exchange meetings led by other migrants from our team and our partner organizations, migrants learn how to start and grow social enterprises.
  • 2- In peer-to-peer knowledge transfer and training of the trainer workshops, the adult entrepreneurs learn how to pass on their knowledge to others in their communities.