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KA2 Adults INN. “IATETS”

“Integr-Action Through ETS” (IATETS) is a 24 month strategic partnership aimed at creating new
opportunities of education and personal fulfilment for disadvantaged European adults affected by
disability through delivering on educational formats and methods of customized learning based on
Education Through Sport (ETS).
IATETS is an approach of transnational cooperation involving organizations with outreach to the
target of the project and with outreach to the final target of the project. The Consortium comprises
NGOs and sport associations with specific experience and recognized quality in the field of ETS.
Project target are disadvantaged adults aged 18-35 affected by physical disability.

IATETS Activities:
– A Research, integrated in a set of Reports, outlining the educational needs and barriers to disabled
adults’ participation in Sport and through Sport as compared with the existing educational offer. The
Research will allow an assessment of existing needs and therefore framing of policy insights to
enhance disabled adults’ participation in Sport to stakeholders and policy-makers at the different
– An Educational Format applicable across sectors in adult education employing ETS as an
instrument of empowerment of disabled Adults.
– A Manual, produced as a result of a direct testing of the Format with disabled adults from all the
partnership countries. The Manual will enhance the operational/methodological capacitites of
operators by providing them with guidelines and methodologies on the use of ETS in educational
programmes targeted at disabled adults.
– A Web Platform developed in accordance with high-end standards of accessibility, comprehensive
of open-access educational modules in multiple languages for direct learning by the ultimate
beneficiaries of the project in partner countries and Europe.

Duration: 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2021

Funding Year: 2019
Project Reference: 2019-1-HU01-KA204-061190
EU Grant: 146.905,00
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Participating Countries: HU,IT,BG,HR,TR

More info about the project: