Mental health Intervention and Support for Immigrants through Psychotherapy
The PSYCHO-IM project successfully addressed the unique mental health challenges faced by immigrants. It provided valuable resources, facilitated knowledge exchange, and offered practical examples that empowered the target group with the understanding and skills needed to tackle mental health issues on an individual level. Through its workshops and guidebooks, the project fostered inclusive environments, reduced the stigma around seeking help, promoted positive mental health outcomes, and encouraged collaboration.
Start: 01-09-2023 - End: 31-08-2024
Project Reference: KA210-ADU-000157634
EU Grant: 60.000,00 EUR
Program: Erasmus +
Key Action: KA210-ADU
Action Type: Cooperation partnership in adult education
Project Coordinator:
Life Learning Development LLD.e.V. (Germany)
Project Partners:
Nicea Kültür ve Eğitim Derneği (Türkiye)
Mine Vaganti NGO (Italy)
Afridat UG (Haftungsbeschrankt) (Germany)
Project Topics:
- Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination.
- Reception and integration of refugees and migrants.
- Physical and mental health, well-being
- Immigrants living in Germany, Italy, and Turkey who were experiencing mental health challenges due to factors such as cultural differences, language barriers, social isolation, and discrimination.
- Psychotherapists and adult instructors.
- Community leaders and organizations.
- Government agencies and policymakers.
Project Objectives Achieved:
- Promoted physical and mental well-being among immigrants, helping to reduce stress and improve social integration.
- Addressed key mental health challenges, such as cultural differences, language barriers, social isolation, and discrimination.
- Aligned with the European Union’s Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion, supporting the mental health and social inclusion of immigrants.
- Contributed to the broader goal of improving the overall well-being and mental health of immigrants in Europe, especially in countries with high immigrant populations.
- Raised awareness about the mental health challenges immigrants face and highlighted the importance of addressing their mental health needs.
The PSYCHO-IM project’s activities, outcomes, and outputs had significant long-term impacts on the participating organizations and individuals. The project led to improved capacity building for participants and involved partners/organizations. It enhanced the teaching and learning capacities of the organizations involved and had a high impact on selected participants (educators), helping them to develop psychotherapy skills and gain a better understanding of comprehensive recovery and rehabilitation approaches.
Project Activities Completed:
- Activity 1: Development of the PSYCHO-IM Psychotherapy Support Guidebook for immigrant mental health.
- Activity 2: Conducted psychotherapy workshops for educators and immigrants.