Passpartout 2020
“Passpartout 2020” is an Erasmus Plus KA1 project in the VET field targeted at 100 students enrolled in the 3rd and 4th High School years coming from 4 Italian Regions with the objective of fostering their competences in the field of Digital Tourism.
The project consists in offering the partecipating students the opportunity of attending internship experiences in foreign businesses connected to the field of digital tourism in one of the following countries: Ireland, England, Malta, Spain and France.
Digital Tourism is an emerging and fast developing business sector in Italy, wherein a 3% growth in tourism accommodation services’ purchases was registered in 2016 as compared with the year 2015. Among all the sectors of tourism services, Mobile Commerce by means of Mobile devices has known the highest growth in terms of percentage, with a 70% increase as compared with 2015.
Italian tourists are particularly active in purchasing tourism services of every kind by means of digital instruments/architectures.
Passpartout 2020 was developed with a specific sectorial approach focused on the individuation of professional profiles satifying the requirement of innovation so as to allow a smooth and durable integration of Youth beneficiaries in the labour market as well as developing the transversal skills forming the basis for a future self-entrepreneurial engagement in the tourism Sector.
The project aims at:
– Reducing educational dropout rates through promoting paths and strategies of internationalization.
– Training professional profiles that are competitive in the labour market in the field of tourism and in the related fields: social media, marketing, creation/development of digital instruments and new technologies.
– Promoting national cooperation among regions in order to create a network of knowledge and favour the recognition of competences acquired during extra-curricular experiences.