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KA2 Youth Inn FATOS2U

Media Education and News Literacy to yoUth against Fake news recepTion and implicatiOnS

FATOS2U promotes critical thinking enhancement and media & news literacy among young people to strengthen democracy and fight manipulation, propaganda and fake news.

Start: 01-05-2022  End: 01-05-2024

Project Reference: 2021-2-PT02-KA220-YOU-000049293

EU Grant: 227 324 EUR

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices

Action Type: Youth mobility

Project Partners:

  • ASDPESO (Portugal)
  • Xenios Polis. Culture, Science and Action (Greece)
  • SC GRIPEN EUROPE S.R.L. (Romania)
  • Compass – Beratung, Begleitung und Training Gemeinnützige GmbH (Austria)
  • Mine Vaganti NGO (Italy)

 Project TOPICs:

1)Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses

2)Media literacy and tackling disinformation

3)Quality and innovation of youth work


the young persons- youth aged 18-25- who are brought up and belong to this generation and era of digital and technological boom- who will be educated on the proper use of media, and thus, social media, too and the anti-Fake news approaches


  1. a) To enable youth to properly and ‘ethically’ navigate the modern news environment and take informed decisions
  2. b) To empower young people and to raise their awareness on countering the effects of disinformation campaigns and fake news spreading through digital media on issues of major and dominant interest of our society
  3. c) To foster youth’s critical appreciation and understanding of the mass media inside a changing and increasingly complex media & news landscape
  4. d) To define a clear and comprehensive training approach for tackling the spread and impact of online fake news in Europe, protecting European values and democratic systems and the right of youth to diverse and reliable information in regards with current situations
  5. e) To set users-youth responsibilities according to a number of principles & in response with the specific roles of different actors (social platforms, news media and users, language used, etc)




  • Kick-off meeting, Cyprus
  • 2nd Transnational Meeting ,Greece
  • 3rd Transnational Meeting + Final Conference, Portugal
  • Curriculum & Learning Materials Toolkit
  • Multifunctional Digital Resources
  • Training Guidelines Handbook


For more information visit here.

Kick-Off Meeting

18th and 19th of January 2023 – Nikosia,Cyprus