Project Title: Build up motivation, digital and language skills in migrant adults, to favour work and social inclusion (MOTIVATE)
Project code: 2019-1-SE01-KA204-060548
Grant: 264264 €
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Coordinator: Integration for Alla [SE]
Partners: Mine Vaganti NGO [IT] CSI Center for Social Innovation [CY] Faal Dernegi [TR] KulturLifegGmbH [DE] Camara Municipal de Lisboa [PT]
Duration: 01/10/2019 – 30/09/2021
The MOTIVATE project contributes directly to the ET 2020 policy objective of “Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship” offer a comprehensive approach to help migrants, refugees and asylum seekers to set achievable goals for developing their language and employability skills for better social cohesion and inclusion within their new host community.
In order to reach this wider goals, the project will:
– Identify and analyse good practices at the European level innovative method to foster employability skills development;
– Combine partners’ expertise and preparation and create learning program aimed fostering a wide set of skills in migrants, refugees and asylum seekers;
– Prepare a multi-disciplinary blended learning program to empower and foster migrants, refugees and asylum seekers’ language, employability and digital skills;
– Prepare and test a training course to equip educators to deal with the target group and tackle the selected issues;
– Design a multi-mentoring program employee for social enterprises, HR managers, instructors and employment advisers and prepare them to be “skills angels”, mentors equipped to foster the target group in reaching the targets they planned for themselves;
– Boost the usability, relevance and adequacy of the MOTIVATE program by testing it with a selected group of trainers and learners;
– Engage and share ownership of the project results with local actors, experts and stakeholders at local and regional level, all along the project duration.
Target Group
Trainers and adults with fewer opportunities such as refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.
Project objectives
a) Offer migrants, refugees and asylum seekers a more efficient way to increase and develop a “cocktail” of skills;
b) Fostering their ability to compete on the labor market of their host community, using non-formal learning methods and a strong mentoring support.
Intellectual Outputs
IO1: MOTIVATE course for professionals;
IO2: MOTIVATE program for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers;
IO3: MOTIVATE Skills angels for community involvement.
- 5 Transnational Meetings involving partners’ staff;
- 1 Joint Staff Training Event in Sweden involving Trainers;
- 1 Local Activity per country involving migrants, refugees and asylum seekers;
- 1 Multiplier Event per country involving Stakeholders.
Project Newsletters
Motivate Newsletter n° 1 November 2019
Motivate Newsletter n°2 March 2020
For additional information please check the Project Website: