Development of the Entrepreneurial MIND-SET in creative persons
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only limited the way people can relate to each other and perform their most basic every-day-tasks, but has also had a significant impact on the regular delivery of education, training and youth policies. One of the sectors hit the most by the pandemic were creative industries.
The main directions creative industries need support are:
• to be innovative in their creations
• to be leaders and initiators
• to be ready to face any new unexpected risks and societal challenges
One of the skills that will solve all the above mentioned challenges is Entrepreneurship , which is an absolute “must-have” skill in now days tech-dominated world. Proposal aims not only to give entrepreneurial skill to creators, but actually will focus more on Entrepreneurial MINDSET development. The project will try to change the way the target audience think and act developing their creations.
Start: 01-03-2021 – End: 31-12-2022
Project Reference: 2020-1-LV01-KA227-ADU-094532
EU Grant: 187.046,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Partnership for creativity
Project TOPICs:
Creativity and culture
Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education
Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship)
DIRECT target groups of the project:
– Persons, who are studying or working in creative industries
– Youth and students who are working in creative industries
– Representatives of education institutions that teach any of creative industries
INDIRECT target groups of the project are:
– Young people, as Entrepreneurial Mind-Set is not only valuable for persons in creative industries, it increases the quality of life of any person
– Society in general
The OBJECTIVES of the project are:
– Development and implementation of innovative practices of teaching Entrepreneurship MIND-SET to creative persons
– Increase sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among people from creative industries
The project will produce a modern asymmetric e-learning course on developing an Entrepreneurial Mind-Set. The course will focus on characteristics the individual should have in order to be a successful entrepreneur – Decisiveness, Goal setting, Time management, Confidence, Initiative, Accountability, Self Motivation, Resilience, Humility and ability to work in teams are part, but not all characteristics that the e-learning course modules will teach.
The project foresees four partners meeting and the realization of five Intellectual Outputs:
Transnational Partners’ meetings:
– Kick-off Meeting in Athens (Greece)
– TPM2 in Sassari (Italy)
– TPM3 in Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria)
– Final Evaluation Meeting, online.
Development of the E-learning course will be divided into 5 outputs:
– IO 1: Module #1 – DECIVENESS – ability to take decisions quickly and confidently.
– IO 2: Module #2 – CONFIDENCE – knowing how to act confidently when one actually do not know what should be done.
– IO 3: Module #3 – ACCOUNTABILITY – taking responsibility for own actions and outcomes.
– IO4: Module #4 – RESILIENCE – quality of recovering quickly from failure and adversity.
– IO5: Module #5 – HUMILITY – freedom from pride or arrogance and the quality or state of being humble.
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