KA1 Youth TC In NFE We Trust!
“In NFE We Trust!” was a Training Course activity in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme coordinated by our network organisation MVI.
The event was held in Alghero during 6 days (July 14/21, 2014 including travel days) involving 24 youth leaders, youth workers and social workers from 8 EU countries.
The TC was aiming to create new partnerships and new youth projects reflecting on the topic of Non Formal Education (NFE) as a professional tool for youngsters.
In fact, reflecting on this issue the project was focusing on youth policies, relevant to European Citizenship and participation of young people, priorities of the Erasmus Plus programme.
The participants discussed about NFE recognition: their rights, their opportunities, their obstacles in using this methodology, their experiences in civil society.
Through non-formal education methods they analyzed opportunities and challanges of being a European citizens as well as drafted new projects proposal to encourage people to develop into Active European Citizens trough NFE.
In particular they reflected about new possible strategies to involve young people in disadvantaged areas.
MV International (MVI) aims to value the high quality system of NFE and to validate and create a common form of certification of key competences gained in a non formal education context.
Since non-formal education is not recognized in all European countries, one of the main objectives of MVI is to train social workers at a professional level in order to serve as a support for the youth.
Therefore this project aimed to build the basis of a Pool of NFE Trainers inside the network of NGOs being inspired by the “Pathway 2.0 towards recognition of NFE learning/education and of youth work in Europe” (2011) created by the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of Youth.