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Becoming the Best

The project enhanced partner organizations’ capabilities in youth employment and cultural diversity, fostering future collaborations. Participants disseminated skills locally, promoting entrepreneurship and employability awareness. Regionally, the project utilized social media for wide-reaching dissemination and stakeholder engagement. The project addressed high youth unemployment rates and aimed to empower educators in fostering self-awareness, self-esteem, and employability skills among young people, aligning with Erasmus+ goals for youth development and employment.

Start: 22-12-2021 – End: 21-12-2022

Project Reference:-2021-1-PL01-KA153-YOU000005787

EU Grant: 22 030 EUR

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: Youth mobility


Project Partners:

Fundacja imienia Braci Solunskich – Cyryla i Metodego (PL)

Dicle University Youth Network (TR)


Raibais kakis (LV)




Project TOPICs:


Youth employability

Awareness about the European Union



Youth workers, leaders, and individuals aged between 18-30 who worked with young unemployed people/job seekers from rural areas or with limited opportunities






The “Becoming the Best” project was the result of the consortium’s desire to provide opportunities to the participants, targeting youth workers, leaders, and individuals aged between 18-30 who worked with young unemployed people/job seekers from rural areas or with limited opportunities, focusing on self-awareness, self-esteem, self-branding, future ambitions, and foresight. The project aimed to increase the capacity of youth workers and educators and to enhance their competencies through related methods.

Objectives of the project “Becoming the Best” included:

  • Taking an active part in Europe 2021 strategy by promoting social inclusion.
  • Encouraging the exchange of good practices related to meaningful youth projects.
  • Proposing new tools, approaches, and identifying ways to further develop youth and youth leader education in Europe.
  • Reducing school dropouts and enhancing youth employability.
  • Increasing capacity and building competences of youth workers and educators by providing methods for working with youth in relation to self-awareness, self-respect, self-esteem, self-branding, future ambitions, and foresight, etc.



Fundacja implemented a Training Course titled “Step into a Better Future!” utilizing Non-Formal Education tools, targeting 24 youth workers, leaders, and individuals aged between 18-30 engaged with young unemployed people/job seekers from rural areas or with limited opportunities. The course took place in Budy Glogowskie, Poland, from 16-23/11/2021 (7 activity days + 1/2 travel days depending on transportation infrastructure). The Training Course aimed to enhance the employability of young people across Europe.

Participant Profile:

  • 24 participants were selected, including youth educators, youth workers, and leaders actively involved with youth, eager to learn and apply non-formal education methods.
  • Participants were motivated and interested in employability issues, particularly for youth.
  • Preference was given to those with previous experience in employability education for young people and the ability to integrate new methods and knowledge into their work.
  • Participants were aged 20 and above, committed to attending the entire event and actively engaging throughout.
  • Proficiency in English was required for communication and participation.