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MVI EYF Workplan “Meegr-Up” 2018

International Skills Development Activity “Meegr-up”
Venue: Aghveran, Armenia
Dates: 4-9 April 2018

“Meegr-up” was the first international Skills Development Activity (SDA) of MV International Work Plan 2018.  The Activity was aimed at providing the selected youth workers and leaders from MVI member organizations with knowledge, skills, attitudes and methodologies to fight hate speech dynamics targeting migrants and refugees in the frame of New Media. The participants initiated the work for producing the key Workplan output, the “No Hate Speech in the Digital Era” Manual, through elaborating a draft of the first thematic section of the Guide related to hate speech against migrants and refugees. At the same time, participants elaborated a first outline of Workplan Social Campaign “Speak for Inclusion!”.

More specifically, “Meegr-up” was aimed at:

– Providing youth workers and leaders involved in the MVI network with knowledge, skills, attitudes and methodologies to fight discrimination and hate speech against migrants and refugees on new media.
– Elaborate a set of concrete knowledge and methodologies (both of NFE and direct action in the new media frame) to contrast discrimination and hate speech against migrants and refugees in new media.
– Initiate the design of Workplan’s Social Campaign “Speak for Inclusion!”.