Crowdfunding Strategies for Business Sustainability (Strate-CROWD)
Strate-CROWD is a 24 months long Strategic Partnership aiming to enhance the collaboration a the transnational and cross-sectorial partnership among partners coming from Sweden, Greece, Italy and Spain, experienced in the field of Non Formal Education (NFE), innovation, ICTs, entrepreneurship, inclusion, gamification, unconventional learning methodologies, businesses and SME, lead to the creation of the idea of a project that looks at the current European needs and that intends to tackle the problems with an impact already in the short term.
Start: 01-06-2020 – End: 31-05-2022
Project Reference: 2020-1-SE02-KA205-002764
EU Grant: 240.774,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic partnership for youth
Applicant Organization
Föreningen Bar Social [SE]
Project Partners:
2)Innovation Frontiers IKE (EL)
4)School Raising [IT]
5)Föreningen Bar Social [SW]
Project TOPICs:
- Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education
- Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment
- New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses
- Promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship activities among young people
- Empower disadvantaged young people in funding their ideas through crowdfunding tools and their management, to create a community heading to connect them to their peers and to the labour market through the creation of ad hoc digital and non-digital tool.
- Enhance skills and knowledge of young educators and volunteers about fostering their pupils’ ideas from their imaginations to real projects and connections with funding opportunity within the labour market and the private sector through new online and offline training courses.
Strate-CROWD-Funding project (STRATE-CROWD) is a project that looks toward the necessity of support disadvantaged (i.e. coming from a difficult family background) young people (aged 18-30), aspiring social entrepreneurs who want to acquire entrepreneurial and crowdfunding skills and knowledge in order to transform their ideas into reality helped by young educators.
Young educators (aged 20-30), lacking about crowdfunding knowledge but experienced in Non-Formal Education (NFE) will improve, during the project completion, their knowledge and skills in NFE linked with entrepreneurship, in order to develop concrete methodology trough which, enhance disadvantaged young people ideas in the social entrepreneurship field. The pivot element of the project is the crowdfunding, a growing reality in Europe, which can represent the bridge between the ideas of the young people and the concrete realization of them by gaining funds for the implementation of the same idea.
- The project foresees to achieve the upskilling of 30 young educators (aged 20-30) within a Joint Staff Training Event, educators that will be able, in a second phase of the project to transfer knowledge among the disadvantaged young aspiring social entrepreneurs during the local training course.
- Local phase involving 20 disadvantaged young people aged 18-30.
- Multiplier Event in each partner country which will involve 50 participants per event.
Intellectual Outputs:
- IO1: Portfolio in digital format of best practices and methodologies linking NFE, crowdfunding andmarket opportunities
- IO2: Board game that will simulate all the steps required for passing from a good butconfused idea to a project valid for obtaining funds through crowdfundin
- IO3: Digital contents: Mobile Application; MOOCs; Web-Platform
- IO4:Handbook of an innovative training model merging NFE andcrowdfunding
You can have access to the different outputs on the PROJECT WEBSITE.
All the project activities intend to have an impact on the targets and on the society around them. Young educators, updated, will be able to transfer knowledge in any contest and toward different targets, having an impact; the same impact that STRATECROWD foresees to have at national and international level thanks to the digital tools. Young disadvantaged aspiring entrepreneurs, empowered by the contents acquired during the local training courses, will be able to face the market needs and the labour market, challenging themselves and testing their ideas in order to fulfill the entrance in the labour market which is lacking of a generational change which will bring new ideas and will stimulate other newcomers already in the short term.