We are one” project aims to lay down the basis of a network between two internal Mediterranean cities, highlighting common traditions and culture among people from different countries.
Thus, the main aims of WAO are:
* promoting transnational cooperation among France and Italy and sharing and transferring information, good practice and knowledge that could stimulate the engagement of the active citizenship among citizen in the life of every day. Under this perspective, both Municipalities share similar traditions and both of them realized several local actions based on the promotion of the active citizenship (voluntary work, university of the third ages, social tourism) which are become during the years a strong column in the life of every day of the population.
* debating on the role of the EU in preserving traditions and culture, enabling participants to challenge Euroscepticism, suggesting possible actions that the European Union could undertake to foster a sense of belonging to Europe.
In the time of growing Euroscepticism, stimulating the solidarity among citizens through being local actions means to contribute to strengthening a sense of belonging in a common European identity such as an”intermediary” identity between the national and the global.
Municipality of Sartene will host 48 participants ( 24 female and male) of different ages from both municipalities to create a moment of knowledge and mutual understanding and an occasion for exchanging ideas, raising awareness about common issues and studying solutions to common problems, encouraging active citizenship and having the pleasure to meet each other.
Foreseen activities during WAO project:
-WAO Platform network: create joint action of exchange of volunteers and common future European projects
-Creation of a common event called: festival of the European identity.
The Twinning Oath will be will read and sign by the two Mayors.