The cities of intercultural dialogue
Mine Vaganti NGO applied on behalf Municipality of Telti an Europe for Citizens Twinning Activity approved by Central Agency in Bruxelles
The project “The cities of intercultural dialogue” was aimed at building a network of partners active in the field of sustanaible tourism in two peripherical Mediterranean cities affected by economic crisis.
The main aims were: to promote transnational cooperation among Italy and Spain, sharing and transfering information, good practice and knowledge on improving the quality of the life in rural areas through tourism through the offer of new employability opportunities for their inhabitants, to create a transnational learning network on sustainable tourism strategies in south regions, to revitalize the flow of tourism by strengthening the involvement of civil society.
Telit and Purchena have many similarities: they belong to a South EC, they share the same Mediterranean culture, they are facing the same problems with the economic crisis, both of them are based in a rather depressed area (affected by geographical isolation: Internal rural areas in Gallura and the region in the deepest south of Spain, Almeria) and their economy is mainly based on agriculture. During the recent past, both of them are facing an incresing phenomenon: youth brain drain. MT and MP share similar traditions and both of them realized a yearly intercultural event based on the promotion of ancient traditions which have become a powerful economic driver throughout the years.
The project consisted in gathering 50 participants of different ages from both municipalities to create a moment of knowledge and mutual understanding and an occasion for exchanging ideas, raising awareness about common issues and studying solutions to common problems, new perspective of employment, discovering respective cultural heritage and having the pleasure to meet each other. Foreseen activities:
-Platform network: intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding through exchanging best practice;
-Creation of a common event
During the physical meeting, the two Municipalities read and signed the Twinning Oath.