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Fondazione di Sardegna “Decisamente Abili! Follow Up”

Decisamente Abili! Follow Up

“Decisamente Abili! ” was a follow up action of the Initiative Youth (Youth in Action Programme ) undertaken by MVNGO and  granted by the Fondazione Banco di Sardegna .

The overall aim of the project was to create a group of young people enable to be  volunteers in our region to support  the activities of local associations, such as Mine Vaganti European Youth Group and Amici del Sorriso.

MVNGO which promotes mobility through European Community programs, after taking part in a Study Session on physical disability, involved the second, who has been working with young people with Down syndrome by offering innovative theater methods to include them in Gallura’s community.

As an association MVNGO has experienced these dynamics taking part in some European projects, thanks to the participation in activities sponsored by various Community programs such as Youth in Action.

Unique and fundamental objective of the two associations involved, MVNGO and Amici del Sorriso, is the sharing of skills: the individuals with disadvantages, depending on the context, were represented by disabled children or youngsters from Gallura.

At the end of the project, the whole Group gained new skills and constructive acceptance of its limits, the group was finally united in being differenty abled!

Thanks to the support of Fondazione Banco di Sardegna it was possible to carry on additional activities to support those already implemented during the Youth Initiative.