CP Small Sport #wesport
Sports have no gender
WeSport project main objective is to act as driving force of social change targeted at micro-realities(i.e. local communities, sport clubs, sport organizations and association the “ prevention of and fight against violence and intolerance ” is an issue that is dear to the European Commission since the very beginning. In fact , the “White Paper on Sport” (2007) highlights that “Sport involves all citizens regardless of gender , race, age, disability, religion and belief, sexual orientation and social or economic background. The Commission has repeatedly condemned all manifestations of racism and xenophobia, which are incompatible with the values of the EU”. In the “Developing the European Dimension in Sport” (2011) the European Commission clearly indicate its will to “ support activities aimed at fighting against racism, xenophobia, homophobia and related intolerance in sport.
Duration: 30 Months
Type of Model Grant Agreement: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant
EU Grant: 60.000,00 EUR
Programme: ERASMUS+
Key Actions: Cooperation partnerships
Action Type: ERASMUS – LS
- ASD Handball Conversano Femminile 2018 – Italy ( Applicant Organization)
- Mine Vaganti NGO – Sassari, Italy
- ADEL SLOVAKIA – Slovakia
- Musicians Gymnastic Organization Panserraikos – Greece
- Social Inclusion
- Gender identity stereotypes
- Gender identity discrimination
Direct Targets:
- Sport Coaches and Teachers involved in the roundtables and Training Sessions;
- gender balanced groups of Athletes and students involved in the Local Programme;
- Staff of the partner organisations involved in the realisation of the project activities and results.
Indirect targets:
- External stakeholders engaged in working directly with the ultimate target groups (athletes and students) in partner countries and in the wider European geographical context;
- Local Communities in partner countries and in the wider European geographical context
Project objectives / is supportive of the identified priorities as follows:
- Raising awareness regarding gender identity stereotypes in Sports;
- Fight gender identity racism and discrimination in Sports phenomena as well as their social consequences;
- Promote the concept that “Sports have no gender” and each person should feel comfortable to participate in whichever Sport without being afraid of being labelled, judged or discriminated.
- Partnership Agreement
- Establishment of the Project Management and Implementation Team
- Elaboration of the Project Management and Quality Plan
- Set up of Management instruments
- Quality Control and Evaluation Elaboration of project(MSG)
- Sustainability Plan (MSG)
ETS Toolkit: The ETS Toolkit will be designed taking into accounttheneeds of the Sport Coaches and Teachers, thanks to theroundtables, as well as the main educational purposeforeseen by the project
Traning Session: partner will implement a Training Session involvingselected Sport Coaches andTeachers.The TrainingSessionwill be aimed at providing participants with theETS methodology framework as well as experiencing allthe workshops contained in the Toolkitin a learning bydoing process. Thus, in order to make the Sport Coachesand Teachers to fully comprehend the potential of theETS methodology as well as its structure. Outcome of theTraining Session will be the creation of new ETSworkshops made by participants and later integrated inToolkit
The Transnational Project meetings are the following:
- Kick-off meeting, Puglia, Italy
- Transnational meeting,Stropkov, Slovakia
- Final Evaluation Meeting, Sassari, Italy
Multiplier Events:
- Local Impact Trainings in all countries
- Final Conference in all countries