Learning through mobility of sports’ volunteers
MV International carried out an Erasmus + Small Collaborative Partnership in the field of Sport involving a Consortium of 4 partner organizations with experience in the fields of Sport, NFE, Education Through Sport and in volunteering, aiming to support the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations.
Start: 01/01/2021– End: 31/12/2022
Project Reference: 622221-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-SPO-SSCP
EU Grant: 58.050,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Sport
Action Type: Sport Collaborative Partnerships
- MV International [Italy]
- BRAVO [Bosnia and Herzegovina]
- Sport Algés e Dafundo [Portugal]
- BSDA [Bulgaria]
Applicant Organization:
Association Social Hub (Bulgaria)
It is particularly important to raise awareness in those countries in which volunteer activities are not well radicated in society as a way to boost employability, the learning of new hard and soft skills and the promotion of a healthier and more active lifestyle.
MOVING put in place activities to reach these objectives:
- Support the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations;
- Creation of a European network to facilitate the possibility for volunteers and NGOs build their own experience in the field of sports via mobility;
- fostering professional quality, attractiveness and operational results of grassroots Sport organizations through exchange of best practices and development of quality professionalism of staff and volunteers through Non-Formal Education and e-learning.
The target groups were people aged 18+ interested in volunteering to explore the possibility of a career in sport as well as to further strengthen their competencies.
Requiring attention and perseverance through Non Formal Education and Education Through Sport methods, initiatives and actions.
The project carried 4 TPM:
1/Transnational project meetings 1 in Sofia (Bulgaria):
N° of participants: 10 of which 2 per partner
2/Transnational project meetings 2 in Sassari (Italy):
N° of participants: 10 of which 2 per partner
3/Transnational project meetings 3 in Sarajevo (Bosnia):
N° of participants: 10 of which 2 per partner
4/Transnational project meetings 4 in Lisbon (Portugal):
N° of participants: 10 of which 2 per partner
MOVING delivered a work programme of 5 Work Packages (WP):
WP1: Project management
- Coordination
- Management
Objective: To ensure that the project activities are well coordinated, on time and on budget.
Coordinator: Association Social HUB
- Overall coordination of the whole project
- Planning and implementation of transnational meetings
- Quality management and control
- Financial management and budget control
- Time management and control
- Risks management
- Evaluation and assessment
WP2: Research Design on Volunteer conditions in sports
Goal: To explore the state-of-the-art of the European practices that foster inclusion of volunteer in and through sport.
Outputs: Handbook on state-of-the-art, case studies and best practices about disability in and through sport, networking and exchange of best practices between project partners and stakeholders.
Led by Association HUB supported in the coordination by BSDA.
Tasks: Analysis of the state-of-the-art on disability and grassroots sports
WP3: Exchange of best practices
Goal: To collect and share best practices about empowering volunteering in sport.
Led by Sport Algés and Dafundo
- Selection and collection of national and European case studies showing best practices on inclusion of disability in and through sport
- Networking between partner organisations
- Realisation pf a handbook containing the results obtained
WP4: Training content development and training sessions
Objective: To create a network of specialised ambassadors by training 4 young ambassadors per partner of empower inf volunteers in and through sport.
Format training Course (TC): ETS methodology
Outputs: Format TC, format of the sport for Disability Tournament and network of trained specialised ambassadors for inclusiveness of disability in and through sport.
Led by BRAVO
- Research activities on methodology and training content
- Creation of a format TC (ETS) to train ambassadors of the project results
- Piloting of the format TC
WP5: Communication, dissemination and exploitation
Aim: To maximise the impact of the results produced in the project through an effective communication, dissemination and exploitation of results and outputs realised.
MVI led and supervised all the dissemination activities of the project, reporting to the steering committee and the coordinator.
- External communication
- Dissemination
- Final dissemination event
- Exploitation of results
- Sustainability
The Facebook page of the project.