Mine Vaganti NGO has always been very active in sports.
Among the founders, passion combined with competence and specific academic and practical paths have provided the opportunity to develop a shared vision.
Today, MVNGO Sport Branch can count on several PhDs members and academic publications in Sport Management, a track record of various training courses implementing the use of the ETS methodology (Education Through Sport), and several professional coaches on staff.
MVNGO is also a member of the global network International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) since 2012.
ISCA is a global network of non-governmental organizations and sports clubs operating in the field of sport for all. MVNGO has always worked in Sport for All using sports in combination with methodologies of non-formal education (Education Through Sport methodology).
The use of sports in combination with NFE methodologies as an educational tool for the inclusion of young/adult/NEET/migrant populations is therefore one of the main tools and areas of expertise of MVNGO.
MVNGO has followed up on its results in this field by establishing a specialized sports section in 2012. MVNGO Sport Branch currently consists of 10 active members, including 2 international professionals.
MVNGO Sport Branch has a track record of more than 70 Collaborative Partnership in the field of sport and more than 30 accademic publications. MVNGO Sport Branch has an active cooperation with several sport clubs at local, national and international level, Sport Federations and Univerisites specifically focused on sport studies.
The goal of MVNGO Sport Branch is to support and improve the use of NFE and sports, combined together, as tools for education, social inclusion, mutual understanding, entrepreneurial development, and leadership.
The professionals of MVNGO Sport Branch aim to further develop the knowledge and skills of youth/adult/sports operators worldwide in the following areas:
– Principles of sports tools
– New methods and didactic tools with ETS
– Management & Sports Skills
All information about MVNGO Sport Branch can be found on the dedicated website: