MV International Website
The European Non Governmental Organization (ENGO) MV International (MVI) is a network of 37 European NGOs and 8 associate organizations from Africa (Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya and Senegal), Latin America (Argentina and Peru) and Asia (India and China) aimed promoting the exchange of knowledge among professionals in the field of European design.
ENGO MVI is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of Youth, Non Formal Education, Sport and Culture.
Created in 2012, MVI is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 37 member organizations, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders.
To fulfill these objectives, MVI concentrates on three key areas: project activities, education and policy-making/advocacy efforts. Apart from promoting events and educational programmes,
The European Non Governmental Organization (ENGO) MV International (MVI) is a non profit “association of associations” that intends to carry out social involvement and community building activities for its members and stake holding (third) parties encouraging participation, freedom and dignity of its members.
It excludes any religious, political, trade union, professional or category interest, as well as protective and/or economic interest of its members.
37 Member Organisations from Europe:
Italy: Mine Vaganti NGO
Spain: Intercambia
Romania: CECIS
Bulgaria: Champions Factory
The Nedherlands: OMA
Greece: USB
Slovenia: Ajdovscina
Portugal: Intercultural Mobility Friends
Denmark: Crossing Borders
Finland: ACSF
Sweden: IFALL
Poland: Youth of Europe
Hungary: Deju
Austria: Gain & Sustain
Malta: Training to Malta
Croatia: PAR NGO
France: ACRF
Slovakia: Pro Moveo
Ireland: CHF Ireland
Germany: NGO Nest Berlin
Belgium: Valoria
Luxembourg: ADS
Czech Republic: KURO
Estonia: YSBF
Lithuania: KTDM
Latvia: Logopedu
Cyprus: SEAL
Norway: Intermezzo Ungdom
Albania: ETMI
Turkey: SIVAS
Armenia: Meliora NGO
Georgia: ASA
Azerbaijan: Youth Power
Bosnia and Herzegovina: BRAVO
Serbia: Kiu Cokanski Coka
Kosovo: Let’s do it Peja
The last 5 years of fruitful cooperation’s with local authorities, education institutes, local communities and other stakeholders have brought about the implementation of many projects and various grants from European programmes.
Advisory roles and project activities, have led to a solid group of constituent associations of the ENGO and dynamic individual members that today shape the association’s status, expanding network and ongoing activities.
MV International was recently supported by European Youth Foundation and Council of Europe to applying for international activities and structural grants.
Admission as a member Association of the ENGO, is based on a written request and approval of the Executive Board of the association. Application request contains a declaration of acceptance of the MVI statutes; its purpose and commitment to participation and shall be accompanied by a introduction of at least two members.
Admission is in any case subject to the approval of the Executive Council of the ENGO and it is valid once the approval is granted and (annual) payment of dues. Resignations are submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Executive Board before the date of November 30 of the following year.
For more details kindly visit website
Members can propose to their associates to have a transversal function: group leaders, organizational role during the events, delegates role in conferences or forums all over Europe, project managers and all of them have the opportunity to take part and contribute to all of the activities.