Winter Sport is Coming
“WinterSport is Coming” (WSC) promotes social inclusion and a sense of European citizenship by reinforcing the rejection of stereotypes and intercultural dialogue through the promotion of greater participation of young people in Winter Sports and the development of a culture favourable to the educational use of Winter Sports by sports operators.
The project is managed by a partnership of 4 organisations: Mine Vaganti NGO (Italy), ADEL (Slovakia), Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bulgaria) and Ski-Klub Rijeka (Croatia).
Winter sports represent a substantial portion of the European sporting tradition, as well as the present practice at amateur and professional level.
The Report ‘The Future of Winter Travelling in the Alps’ released by Future Mountiain International in 2017, quantifies the number of active skiers in Europe at 48.2 million.
Winter sports are also rightfully included in the Olympic tradition and values.
In the context of the project design preparation phase, the partners found a lack of European initiatives specifically focused on the area of winter sports and their educational value.
WSC will focus on aspects related to the role of Winter Sports in the framework of the issues of social inclusion, personal development of young people and intercultural dialogue.
Within the project, Trainers and Athletes will collaborate as an organic working group in carrying out specific research on existing good practices in the educational use of Winter Sports, the evaluation and elaboration of which will lead to the creation of specific learning programmes for local activities with young people.
The end result of the project will be a multilingual guidebook containing an illustration of the project and the methodologies developed within it.