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Collaborative Sport Big “PARAdig”

The project “Dual-Track Careers for Para-Athletes” (PARAdig) aims to help talented and elite athletes with a disability to be placed in the direct spotlight of inquiry, and to examine the interactions of those agencies and institutions around them who are in a position to assist them to attain their goals.

Titolo del progetto: Dual-Track Careers for Para-Athletes
Durata: 01/01/2020 – 30/09/2022
Riferimento del progetto: 613684-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-SPO-SCP
Sovvenzione UE: 392.445,00 €
Programma: Erasmus+
Azione chiave: Sport
Tipo di azione: Collaborative Partnerships


Youth and adults with disability


  • 4 Transnational Projects Meetings
  • Main Report and Best Practices Handbook
  • Online Platform

Project objectives /is supportive of the identified priorities as follows:

  • Showcasing a VLE (“Virtual Learning Environment”) developed in the EU to meet para-athletes’  mobility and time constraints
  • The building of close bonds between partners, which are expected to produce more cooperation in the future
  • Strong messaging on the power of a dual career for shaping later life, challenging though that may still be for athletes with a disability. But the design of the project VLE (“Virtual Learning Environment”) is designed to ease the way into  practical understanding of business life, and the options around self-employment
  • Increased support and awareness of the EU’s policies on dual careers and the path to inclusion
  • Dissemination of Best Practices in seven Member States

For additional informations please check the following pages: