MVNGO, in its pursuit of academic excellence and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, has forged strategic partnerships with several prestigious universities worldwide like La Sapienza, Techniche University of Berlin, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Izmir Katip Celebi and Montpelier Business School, State Uniersity of Palawan and many more.
Through these collaborations, MVNGO is dedicated to advancing research and knowledge dissemination across various fields. One of the notable endeavors includes the preparation of academic articles authored by experts from both MVNGO and partner universities, enriching scholarly discourse and contributing to the global academic community.
Additionally, MVNGO plays a pivotal role in organizing The International Conference on Sport and Education (ICSE), an hibrid academic event that brings together researchers, nfe educators and sport athletes and stakeholders to exchange ideas, discuss innovations and address pressing challenges.
Through these initiatives, MVNGO continues to uphold its commitment to promoting academic excellence and driving meaningful contributions to society’s intellectual landscape.
In an era where interdisciplinary collaboration is paramount, MVNGO has emerged as a pioneering force in fostering partnerships between academia and practical fields. Leveraging its extensive network, MVNGO has embarked on a groundbreaking journey, collaborating with several prestigious universities worldwide to produce groundbreaking publications across various domains. This strategic alliance not only enriches the knowledge base of MVNGO but also serves as a platform for innovative research and learning opportunities for students and inspire future projects developement at research level such Horizon Europe.
Among the esteemed board members driving MVNGO’s collaborative efforts is Domenico Dentoni, a distinguished professor at the Business School Montpellier (in the past he worked at Wageningen University). With his extensive expertise in management, sustainability, and governance, Professor Dentoni brings invaluable insights and leadership to MVNGO’s interdisciplinary initiatives. His guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping the direction of collaborative research projects and fostering meaningful partnerships with universities around the globe.
Main Fields of Research
Education Through Sports
One of the key focal areas of this collaboration is the intersection of sport and education. Recognizing the transformative power of sports as a tool for education, MVNGO has joined forces with leading academic institutions to explore the different ways in which sports can be utilized to enhance learning outcomes. Through empirical studies, theoretical frameworks, and practical applications, this collaboration aims to unravel the untapped potential of sports in fostering holistic development among individuals of all ages and backgrounds.
- Ramos, A. F. R. T. , Solinas, R., Pirina M. G., Menescardi, P., Amin, S. (2018). Effectiveness of social inclusionin educational management through non-formal method in sports issued on Par Journal. Journal Of Business PARadigm Online ISSN 2584-6612- Print ISSN 2459-5004
- Solinas, R., Ramos, A. F. R. T., Pirina M. G., Menescardi, P. (2019). Policy research on identifying upskilling needs and social inclusion of migrant sport managers ICASS – ISBN (Online): 97895471860192020
- Solinas, R. (2022). Knowledge and skills of migrant sports professionals in Bulgaria ICASS conference 2022 Design: Stanislav Hristov, Svetla Kostova, Radostina Angelova. Printed and bounded by: ZONA ArtPRINT Ltd. Publisher: Scientific Publishing House NSA Press – ISBN (Online): 978-954-718-700-9
- Solinas, R. , Vladova, I., (2023). International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) Knowledge and skills of migrant sports professionals in european countries
- Solinas, R., Esguerra, V. B., Esguerra, A. L. F. (2023). “Knowledge and skills of migrant sports professionals in Spain” International Technology, Education and Development (INTED) Conference Library ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4 ISSN: 2340-1079 doi: 10.21125/inted.2023 publisher: IATED pages: 574-581
- Solinas, R., Esguerra, V. B., Esguerra, A. L. F. (2023). “Knowledge and skills of migrant sports professionals in Spain” International Technology, Education and Development (INTED) Conference Library ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4 ISSN: 2340-1079 doi: 10.21125/inted.2023 publisher: IATED pages: 574-581
- Solinas, R., Esguerra, V. B., Esguerra, A. L. F. (2023). Education through sports of migrant sports professionals in European countries: A Comparative Study” American Journal of Education and Technology (AJET) E-PalliLLC ISSN:2832-9481(Online) Thailand, July 2023
- Solinas, R., Esguerra, V. B., Esguerra, A. L. F. (2023). Education through sports of migrant sports professionals in Italy Journal of Business and Economics – ISSN 2155-7950, USA · Jul 14, 2023
Sport Management
The realm of sport management has emerged as a significant area of inquiry within this collaborative framework. By delving into the intricacies of organizational dynamics, strategic planning, and stakeholder engagement within the sporting industry, researchers affiliated with MVNGO and partner universities are paving the way for innovative approaches to sports management. Through case studies, empirical research, and industry insights, these collaborative efforts are reshaping the landscape of sport management, driving forward-thinking solutions and best practices.
- Pirina, M. G. (2022). “New trend in competence framework for sports managers in Bulgaria” ICASS Conference Design: Stanislav Hristov, Svetla Kostova, Radostina Angelova Printed and bounded by: ZONA ArtPRINT Ltd. Publisher: Scientific Publishing House NSA Press ISBN (Online): 978-954-718-700-9
- Pirina, M.G., Islam, M. F., Solinas, R., Maciá Andreu , M. J., Quero Calero, C. D., Gallardo, A. M.(2023). Bibliometric analysis of sports management competencies in women’s semi-professional sport: A comprehensive analysis at the literature with data visualization software. HCist 2023 – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies Organising Committee
- Pirina, M.G., Islam, M. F., Solinas, R., Maciá Andreu , M. J., Quero Calero, C. D., Gallardo, A. M., Abenza-Cano, L.(2023). European approach to the importance of sports management competencies in women’s semi-professional teams Manuscript ID: sustainability-2544555
Healthy Life Style
- Solinas, R., Pirina M. G., Jorge, C. V., Timón, R., Adsuar, J. C., Amin, S., Amin, D., Dochevska, Y., Zdravkov, I., Bradic, S., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Biskup, B., Braun, M., Olcina, G. J. (2022). Professional and personal experience through lifelong learning and regular sport (PROPELLERS)—A study protocol ISSN 2071-1050 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE Certificate of acceptance for the manuscript (sustainability-1971680) titled: Professional and Personal. Experience through Lifelong Learning and Regular Sport (PROPELLERS). A Study Protocol has been accepted in Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050) on 26 October 2022
- Mehriar, M., Solinas, R., Masoumi, H., Bahr, A., Tomczyk, M., Dynowski, W., Pirina, M. G., Coradduzza, D., Boccuzzi, G., Šarinić, L. D., Dobrović, L., Brozić, Z., Lukšić, J., Çağan, B., Dalcı, A., Papageorgiou, A., Smaga, S., Parisopoulos, G., Patsakas, G., Meimaridis, I. (2022). Journal: preventive medicine title: an exploratory analysis of the effects of interventions in active mobility to school on the body composition and physical efficiency of 14- 18-year-old adolescents in five european countries Manuscript Number: YPMED-22-1909
- Mehriar, M., Solinas, R., Masoumi, H., Bahr, A., Tomczyk, M., Dynowski, W., Pirina, M. G., Coradduzza, D., Boccuzzi, G., Šarinić, L. D., Dobrović, L., Brozić, Z., Lukšić, J., Çağan, B., Dalcı, A., Papageorgiou, A., Smaga, S., Parisopoulos, G., Patsakas, G., Meimaridis, I. (2022). Journal: Health and Place Title: Effects of intervention in active transport to school of adolescents in improving their body mass index, VO2. maximum, and body efficiency in Europe Manuscript Number: JHAP-D-22-01578
- Mehriar, M., Solinas, R., Masoumi, H., Bahr, A., Tomczyk, M., Dynowski, W., Pirina, M. G., Coradduzza, D., Boccuzzi, G., Šarinić, L. D., Dobrović, L., Brozić, Z., Lukšić, J., Çağan, B., Dalcı, A., Papageorgiou, A., Smaga, S., Parisopoulos, G., Patsakas, G., Meimaridis, I. (2022). Journal: Cities Title: A cohort study of active travel to school levels and correlates in eight european cities before and after COVID-19 pandemic ManuscriptNumber: JCIT-D-22-02786
- Mehriar, M., Solinas, R., Masoumi, H., Bahr, A., Tomczyk, M., Dynowski, W., Pirina, M. G., Coradduzza, D., Boccuzzi, G., Šarinić, L. D., Dobrović, L., Brozić, Z., Lukšić, J., Çağan, B., Dalcı, A., Papageorgiou, A., Smaga, S., Parisopoulos, G., Patsakas, G., Meimaridis, I. (2023) Journal of Transport & Health Title: Effects of intervention in active transport to school of adolescents in improving their body composition in Europe Manuscript Number: JTH-D-23-00008
- João Martins, Houshmand Masoumi, Vânia Loureiro, Margarida Gomes, Fortunata Ratinho ,Tiago Ribeiro, Melika Mehriar , Marija Rakovac , Davor Šentija, Andrzej Bahr, Marta Tomczyk,Wojciech Dynowski, Roberto Solinas, Maria Grazia Pirina, Donatella Coradduzza, Giannangelo Boccuzzi , Birol Ça ̆gan, Ahmet Dalcı, Athanasios Papageorgiou, Soultana Smaga,Georgios Parisopoulos, Georgios Patsakas, Ioannis Meimaridis, Nuno Loureiro and Adilson Marques (2023) Seasonality and Objective Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour among Older Adults from Four European Countries August 2023 Healthcare DOI: 10.3390/healthcare11172395 LicenseCC BY 4.0
- Gil-Castell, O., Chafer, A., Özkürt, M., Pirina, M.G., Solinas, R., Levikov, N., Badia, J.D. (2022) SUSTAGRI4.0: Needs Analysis of training in sustainability, digitalisation and entrepreneurship in the agri-food sector at vet level, Conference: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference DOI:10.21125/inted.2023.0748
Co-authors on Publication of “Voicitys – Voices of Diversity, Connecting people and policies for more integrated neighbourhoods in European cities” (2019) Publication description CRN – ISBN97839446832065
Solinas, R., Barthel, M., Feher, K., Hamalainen, T., Keller, J., Keresztely, K., Marin, V., Mucha, A., Pirina, M. G., Rotaru, I., Virag, T., Świgost, A., Zamfirescu, I. (2017). “Our neighbourhoods’ heroes – stories on citizen participation in local development in european cities” CRN & Mine Vaganti NGO ISBN Code: 83946832010
Badia, J.D., Levikov N., Pirina, M.G., Solinas, R. & Chafer, A. (2022). Needs and good practices of training for sustainable agricultural business owners and VET professionals in the Agri-food sector. Zenodo.
2017: “Format Training Course Inclusion Through Sport Publication”
Barthel, M., Solinas, R., Pirina, M. G. , (2023) UNICORN BOOK Unlocking Impact the Unicorn path to engage with your audience CRN – ISBN:9783946832546
2019: Co-authors on Publication “Policy Research On Identifying Upskilling Needs and Social Inclusion of Migrant Sport Managers”: this study aimed to provide a description of the current needs and perceived focus of 7 countries across different regions in Europe (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and UK) in terms of Sports Management. Different sectors of sport education such as NGO’s, Sports Clubs and Associations, Universities, and Vocational and Educational (VET) Providers were identified as the main sources. Publication description ICASS – ISBN (Online): 97895471860192020