Mine Vaganti NGO has always been very active in Sport, being also member of the global network International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) since 2012.
ISCA is a global network of NGOs organizations and Sport clubs working in the field of Sport for All. MVNGO has always been working in Sport for All, using Sport in combination with Non Formal Education methodologies (Education through Sport methodology).
The use of Sport in combination with NFE methodologies as an educational instrument of youth/adults/NEET/Migrants inclusion is therefore one of MVNGO’s key areas of expertise.
MVNGO followed-up on its achievements in this field by establishing a specialized Sport Branch in 2012. MVNGO’s Sport Branch is presently composed of 5 active members, among whom are 2 international professionals.
The aim of MVNGO Sport Branch is to support and improve the use of NFE and Sport, in combination, as a tool for education, social inclusion, mutual understanding, entrepreneurial development, leadership etc.
MVNGO Sport Branch’s professionals would like to further develop knowledge and competences in youth/adult/sport workers around the world, on the following areas:
− Principles of NFE Sports tools
− New teaching methods and tools on education through sport
− Sport Management competences
In 2018, MVNGO Sport Branch achieved an outstanding result and additional seal of the level of quality reached in the educational use of Sport with the approval of the BIG Collaborative Partnership “Curricular Pathways for Migrants’ Empowerment in Sport” (CPMES). The project, coordinated by MVNGO, aims at promoting social inclusion of migrant categories through developing profiles of Sport Managers in migrants.
In 2019, 15 approved Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnerships Project have our organisation as valuable partner.
MVNGO Sport Branch has successfully implemented the following projects since 2012:
− 2012: Youth in Action Youth Exchange “ExSport ME Import Us”: Sport values, health.
− 2012: European Youth Foundation “Inclusive Sport in Sardinia: Sport as a tool for inclusion, Pilot Activity.
− 2013: Youth in ActionProgramm: TC “Inclusive Sport for All”, Sport as an educational tool.
− 2013:Youth in ActionProgramme, “Two Islands One Move” Youth Exchange related to The European Move Week 2013, Exchange of good practices between islands.
− 2013:GrundtvigProgramme In Training Service “Education and Sport for All”, Sport as an educational tool.
− 2014: Large Scale Project “Fill My Value Backpack” (FMVB),supported and co-financed by MVNGO Sport Branch, which took part in a work-visit to Kenya. FMVB is organized by a non-formal group of young people, who arwilling to implement ‘NFE through Sport’ classes to children from deprived areas.
− 2014: Move Week Sassari 2014 a Sport event which involved more than 1000 people in the Parco di Bunnari. The event was part of the European Campaign Now We Move, promoted by ISCA.
− 2014:Erasmus+ Programme Youth in Action TC “Education for All” in Marrakech,Sport as an educational tool.
− 2015: Coordinator Erasmus Plus Capacity Building Youth, “Inclusion Through Sport” (ITS):Sport & Non Formal Education in 4 Continents and 12 countries with sharing of best practice and production of Format TC and Handbook: “involves 12 countries from 4 continents. The project aims at exploring the role of Sport as an educational vehicle to promote youth social inclusion, community values and respect of diversity. ITS is a success-case in Sport education providing MVNGO (designer, applicant and coordinator of the proposal) with managerial, logistical and methodological experience. The Format TC developed in the project was translated into specific publication: “Format TC on ITS Methodology”, co-authored by all Consortium partners under the coordination of MVNGO. The publication will be released on international media channels at project Final Conference in Kenya, scheduled for July 2017.
− 2016:Partnership in the Collaborative Partnership, “European Everyday of Sport”. The project aims at exploring good practices related to promoting the social and healthy development value of Sport and physical activity, with a particular focus on previous editions of the European Week of Sport, as a means to produce and promote tools for different professional groups targeted at motivating more people to do Sports in everyday life. The project will create a set of Web-based resources (Educational Platform and Android/IPhone application) targeted at improving good governance in the Sport field as well as an innovative network of professionals.
− 2016:Coordinator Erasmus Plus Collaborative Partnership,“Young Ambassador for Sport and Volunteering” aimed at disseminating the Education Through Sport methodology in Europe, which MVNGO coordinates after the renounce of the original Danish coordinating Sport Club. The project, lasting a total 24 months, aims at promoting volunteering in Sport, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyle through increased participation in sport for all. The main work phases, dedicated to local actions, are related to the promotion of sport culture and raising awareness about the importance of being physically active, and the promotion of volunteering, its values and its benefits for society. In addition, as final output the project will create an online platform which will gather all tangible results, best practices shared and indications for fellow organizations and stakeholders.
− 2017: Partnership in the Collaborative Partnership “Project for Academy Sport SupPORT” (PASSPORT). The project, set to start in January 2018, aims at promoting and supporting dual careers for athletes by setting up a transnational network of partners that wil develop a Platform for training the athletes in Sport Management, hence contributing to their employability. The project foresees the implementation of a set of local workshops for Sport athletes in all partner countries.
− 2017: Partnership in the Collaborative Partnership “Good Governance in Sport”. The Collaborative partnershiop is coordinated by the Bullgarian organization “Bulgarian Sports Development Association” (BSDA) and deploys a set of activities at the local, national and international levels with a focus on the development, identification, analysis, promotion and sharing of good practices in good governance as well as on giving reccommendations to some of the observed practices that can be improved. The project involves the production of a Self-learnig path on good governance in Sort for the self-development of Sport leaders and managers, which will give the possibility of assessing the level of accountability and transparency of the webpage of a sport organization. Among the results of the project will also be an Accountability and Transparency Handbook for sport organizations including tips and tricks on the optimization of the web page of a Sport organization.
− 2017. Partnership in the Capacity Building Youth “A Path to TranSportAction” (PTSA). The project is coordinated by the Croatian organization “Rijeka Sport’s Association” and aims at enhancing the capacity of youth organizations and stakeholders in all partner countries and beyond to use Sport, in combination with high-end NFE methodologies for fostering a gender-inclusing approach to Sport practices, contrasting sexism and gender stereotypes and promoting equalkity and mutual respect among genders in disadvantaged rural areas in Europe and Latin America. The project involves the production and testing of a Format TC providing youth operators with knowledge,, skills and NFE tools to involve youngsters (males and females) in Sport education activities fostering femae participation in Sport, rejection of gender stereotypes and respect of gender differences and sensibilities. The Format TC methods will be tested in an international Youth Exchange involving youngsters from each country. A phase of local activities will be implemented with youngsters (males and females) from each partner country).
− 2017. Partnersip in the Capacity Building Youth “Women Empowerment through Sport” (WEtS). “Women empowerment through sport” (WEtS) is a 24 month Capacity Building in the field of Youth project coordinated by the Bulgarian organization “Champions Factory”, with MVNGO in the role of a partner organization. The project involves an international Consortium of 6 organisations from Europe (Bulgaria and Italy), Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) and Asia (Nepal and Cambodia). The project aims at developing, testing and spreading new educational methodologies for women empowerment through Sport with the aim to enhance the capacity of the partner organisations and beyond. Project activities comprise the implementation of a cross-bordser awareness-raising Campaign on women empowerment through Sport, a Training Course for youth workers, a youth exchange involving youngsters from each partner country and a closing International Conference.
− 2017: Partner in the Capacity Building Youth “A Path to TranSportAction”. The project aims at promoting the inclusion of disadvantaged female youngsters in marginalized rural communities through the use of Sport.
− 2017: Partner in the Collaborative Partnership Sport Big “Good Governance in Sport” (GGS, aimed at assessing good practices of Good Governance in the Sport field and elaborating recommendation for the improvement of the state-of-the-art in Good Governance.
− 2017: Partner in the Collaborative Partnership Sport Big “PASSPORT”, aimed at promoting and supporting dual career for Sport athletes by setting up a transnational network of partners that will develop a Platform for the training of athletes in Sport management, hence contributing to their employability.
− 2018: Partner organization in the frame of the Strategic Partnership Youth project “ETS for Youth Equality” focused on the use of ETS (Education Through Sport” as a tool of social inclusion of youngsters with disability.
− 2018: Coordinator of the Collaborative Partnership Sport Big “Curricular Pathways for Migrants’ Empowerment through Sport” (CPMES). The project at developing curricula of Sport Managers in migrants through the use of Education Through Sport.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Big Collaborative Partnership “Promotion of Physical Activity of the Youth through Active Mobility to School”: the project encourage participation in sport and physical activity especially by supporting Council Recommendation on HEPA and EU Physical Activity Guidelines.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Big Collaborative Partnership “Dual-Track Careers for Para-Athletes”: the project promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development, as well support the implementation of the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Big Collaborative Partnership “DEVELOPING SPORT ADMINISTRATION COMPETENCES”: the project promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development, as well support the implementation of the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Big Collaborative Partnership “DU MOTION”: the project promote voluntary activity in Sport.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Big Collaborative Partnership “Enhancing Health and Physical Activity Rates through Pentathlon”: the project encourage participation in sport and physical activity especially by supporting Council Recommendation on HEPA and EU Physical Activity Guidelines.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Big Collaborative Partnership “Professional and Personal Experience through Lifelong Learning and Regular Sport / PROPELLERS”: the project encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Big Collaborative Partnership “Re(IN)novating Marketing Strategy Across Semi-professional Female Teams”: Improve good governance in sport.
− 2019: Coordinator of Small Collaborative Partnership “Leveraging Education Through Sport for Innovative Changes Leading to Unification of Disability and Education”: the project encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport.
− 2019: Coordinator of Small Collaborative Partnership “Sport Education Against Radicalisation: the project encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Small Collaborative Partnership “Countering Exclusion In and Through Sports”: the project encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Small Collaborative Partnership “Balanced Living through Healthy Nutrition Habits”: the project support the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations.
− 2019: Partner organization in the frame of Small Collaborative Partnership “Active Park”: the project encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport
In 2019, MVNGO Sport Branch cooperated as partner in 3 KA2 Adults and 1 Ka2 Youth with Sport and inclusion as a topic.
The following professionals in the field of Sport form presently part of MVNGO Sport Branch on a regular basis:
- Roberto Solinas: Founder, President and CEO, European Project Manager, Formal and Non Formal Education Trainer and Marketing Expert at MVNGO. He is the mastermind behind the strategy and concept of MVNGO. Since 2012 he coordinates the main activities of MVNGO in the Sport field, He is in the pool of experts of the international Sport think-thank Spolint. He was the official Trainer in many Sport projects impelmented by MVNGO at the local, regional, national, European and international levels. He is presently achieving a PhD at the National Sports Academy “VassilLevski” in Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Maria Grazia Pirina: Co-founder, Vice President, Project Manager, Trainer, Pr and Communication Expert. She coordinates the main activities of MVNGO in the field of hosting vocational training, EVS and youth mobility. She is presently achieving a PhD at the National Sports Academy “VassilLevski” in Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Paolo Menescardi: Trainer at MVNGO, President and Project Manager at L’ORMA, Sport and Social Promotion. He has more than 3 years experience in sport and educational projects, organization of sport events, management of volunteers in sport, training and education. He is a Proposal Writer at FISO Federation Italian Sport Orienteering and Consultant in the design, drafting and writing of projects. He is also the Funder and Project Manager at Dodgeball Italia. He works as Board Member and responsible for the sport promotional activities and activities for youth at FISO Federation Italian Sport Orienteering – Board Member.
- Samanta Sedda: European Project Designer and ETS Trainer
- Denitsa Andonova: Former component of ISCA and ETS expert
- Antonio Saccone: Sport Journalist and former ETS Trainer
- Luca Amadessi: Sport Entrepreneur
- Katherine Armstrong: Researcher
- Alexandra Vasina: Former Olympic Athlete in Syncronized Swimming
- Patrizio Ricci: European Project Designer
- Clelia Falovo: European Project Designer