Mine Vaganti NGO is a fluid reality based on the enhancement and optimization of intellectual work. Since the beginning, we promote working in remote. Our strength is represented by the network of collaborators from all over 5 continents. We promote a working method called Agile based on the use of social media and online management tools. MVNGO was born with a corporate philosophy of perpetual movement and such remote work has always been promoted as an organizational style, specially devoted to creativity of project designers. MVNGO is present in Italy and Germany (North Sardinia, Vicenza and Berlin) with operating hubs but has active collaborators all over the globe. MVNGO main office is located in Sassari in Via Fiore del Bianco 13 / A. For further information on our statute, visit the following links:
Over the years Mine Vaganti NGO has managed public spaces on behalf of local administrations with the aim of promoting community programs and international mobility in Sassari, Uri, Olbia and Tempio Pausania, ensuring coverage of the entire territory of Northern Sardinia.
Currently, the organization manages the Punto Europa on the basis of an agreement with the Municipality of Sennori. The Punto Europa serves as the implementation site for mobility initiatives within the Erasmus Plus program and represents a point of contact between young people and the European dimension in which to find information about the mobility and training opportunities available.
Past collaborations:
For 5 years, MVNGO has managed the Sportello Europa of the Municipality of Uri, dealing with the promotion of international projects and coordinating local volunteers of the Civil Service Project developed by the NGO itself.
MVNGO also managed the Punto Europa in Tempio Pausania as a setting to constantly provide Young people with information and updates about the available opportunites of international mobilities in the frame of Erasmus Plus and other European programmes.
Among the local MVNGO’s facilities, the organization’s office in Olbia was very useful as a starting cooperation with the local Area Marina Protetta di Tavolara, with whom MVNGO cooperated in the project “Together for Tavolara” financed by the prestigious “Fondazione CON IL SUD”. The project foresaw a set of actions based on the approach of Citizen Science targeted at rasing awareness and concretely impacting on the environmental challenges facing the local Protected Sea Area of the Tavolara island, located in front of MVNGO’s Olbia offfice. MVNGO and Area Marina Protetta di Tavolara are still continuing on their cooperation with a view to designing and applying more environmental project proposals.
Mine Vaganti NGO has developed a long-standing cooperation with Associazione Culturale Pitagora, a local association composed of Teachers from the Istituto Paritario Pitagora, a high school based in Sassari. The association works in the field of social solidarity. Its member Teachers organise actvities for childen, such as English courses after school, and extracurricular activities for people with fewer opportunities (Youth with linguistic and mental disease such as dislexya, Learning disorders and autism). Associazione Culturale Pitagora has created a collaborative atmosphere with students’ families and with local institutions as a means to organize events, activities that can be useful for students’ personal growth.
The teachers composing Associazione Culturale Pitagora are experienced in working with youngsters with a difficult educational background and/or with learning difficulties.
The cooperation between MVNGO and ACP is one of consultancy and support. MVNGO supports the design of the project proposals presented by the ACP in the frame of Erasmus Plus Youth mobility and it also contributes the experience of its Team of Non Formal Education Trainers to the implementation of the project initiatives of the Association in the foregoing context.
MVNGO has developed a successful and profitable cooperation with the following other organizations based in Sassari:
- ESN Sassari.
- Ponti Non Muri.
- A.S.E.
- ACLI Sassari.
- Ecocittadini.
- Migrants Shelters
MVNGO Centro Giovani Santa Caterina
Mine Vaganti NGO managed a Youth Center in Sassari for 2 years, 2015-2016.
The video explain our presence in those fantastic 2 years!
Official logo of MVNGO’s Sportello Europa in Uri.
MVNGO’s Sportello Europa in Uri
Official logo of Associazione Culturale Pitagora
Erasmus Plus KA1 Youth Exchange “Youth Parkour” implemented by Associazione Culturale Pitagora with the support of MVNGO.
MVNGO’s office at the University of Sassari.
MVNGO’s office in Olbia.
MVNGO’s Punto Europa in Tempio Pausania.