
15 - 17 Oct 2024


08:00 - 18:00

CIRC Training for Adult Educators

We are calling for 2 Italian adult educators to attend the “Training for Educators” for CIRC project happening in October.

Don't Miss This Opportunity

This is a special opportunity that is free for you and will provide great experiences to your life.

Applications are open until


For people in the following countries

Action: Training Course



We are calling for 2 Italian adult educators to attend the “Training for Educators” for CIRC project happening in October. Participants are expected to have an interest in circular economy and the possibility and motivation to train local adults in future local events.

“CIRcular City through educational circular economy methods for social enterprises’’ [CIRC] is a KA2 cooperation partnership in adult education project funded by the Erasmus Plus program aims to empower adults at risk of exclusion by providing them with knowledge and skills in circular economy, fostering entrepreneurship and self-confidence. 

Aims and objectives: The training aims to empower adult educators to become effective agents of change and enhance the mindset, skills, and knowledge of adults at the risk of exclusion needed to drive innovation and positive social change within their communities and beyond.  

Expected (learning) outcomes:   

  • Mastery of design thinking principles applied to circular economy practices and non-formal education (NFE).   
  • Proficiency in learning by doing methodology, fostering hands-on experiential learning.  
  • Enhancement of skills and understanding in social entrepreneurship, equipping participants to initiate positive social change and innovation.  

Recognition / certification of participation: YES  

Throughout the training, non-formal education modules developed within the project will be covered.  

The training will last for 3 days in Zvolen.   

Expenses relevant to travel, food, and accommodation will be covered (budget ceiling: travel: 275€, subsistence: 450€).

Condition: adult educator, outreach to adults at risk of exclusion, follow-up activity ( implement local activities as learned during the TC)

Deadline for application: 31 August.

Hurry up to apply!

For more details and application, please send the email with your CV and short motivation to

Do not forget to indicate the mobility title in the email object!



Non-Formal Education


Target Group:

Italian adult educators particularly those belonging to the class of “adults at risk of exclusion as persons with lower income, lack of education or belonging to ethnic minor


Date: 15/10/2024 – 17/10/2024



Zvolen, Slovakia


What will be done: 

The NFE modules created within the scope of the project will be reviewed and educators will be prepared to teach local adults in the future.

If you are interested, please fill out the application form.

Apply until 31/08/2024


    For more information, check the infopack of the mobility.